RIAA's Backdoor Plan
For Using 'Six Strikes' Plan To Cut Off Internet Access For People
- http://bit.ly/LW1XIN nasty,
sneaky & worrying
Interactive Panorama:
Inside the Opening Ceremony - http://ti.me/Ox8yZI 3
gigapixel image: spot what the VIPs are up to... #london2012
An interesting bit of
government non-communication - http://bit.ly/LW4DWTgood
catch: UK gov knows #snooping law
will be hugely unpopular
Open Help Conference
- http://bit.ly/QA972V "
open source documentation and support"
Music Labels Won’t
Share Pirate Bay Loot With Artists - http://bit.ly/QA9H0Gnow,
where did I put my surprised face...?
The Last Prodigy:
Complete Chronological #Korngold on
Spotify -http://bit.ly/QAaezx fascinating
composer, rather sad life story...
Welcome to the
community, Partido Pirata do Brasil! - http://bit.ly/M1jwCI huge
potential, I would think... #br
A Private Data Leak by
Islington Council - http://bit.ly/Ms76p3 hmm,
hope this won't be used against #transparency (v
@jdforrester @billt)
'#Twitterjoke' case
only went ahead at insistence of DPP - http://bit.ly/PcjyIi he
should resign, then - & I'm not joking...
NBC: We skipped terror
tribute because it wasn't "tailored for the U.S. audience"
- http://bit.ly/PU7KOV oh,
OK (@JudithRosalind @ralpost)
Programmers sought for
tropical hackathon - http://bbc.in/N4RVRX "cooking
and cleaning taken care of" #freesw (v
Comment la propriété
intellectuelle a transformé les Jeux olympiques en cauchemar
cyberpunk - ouais http://bit.ly/OxKWUQ (v
#openaccess TOWIG
(The Only Way Is Greold) – or are there others? Some suggestions
- http://bit.ly/Op3XdJ another
good contrib to debate
Atomkraftgegner gründen Grüne Partei - http://bit.ly/MMQXPo wow,
that's pretty exciting #greens #japan
Leaked: IFPI Tutorial
On How To Stop Pre-Release Music Leaks -http://bit.ly/QUGKB5 NB
link to #RnBXclusive case
in UK
surveillance key
logging device in #China Internet
cafes - http://bit.ly/Opbv07sneaky:
attaches to k/b cable, records passwords etc
#Twitterjoke trial:
it’s not just about free speech - http://bit.ly/MUdKFn great
point: this is also about the #surveillance state
Apple and Microsoft to
team up for Kodak's patents? - http://cnet.co/N5swri +
Myhrvold - the ultimate nightmare team (v @sjvn @maryjofoley)
Another conversion
story - http://bit.ly/OclRwl rather
telling. don't see so many people go the other way #climatechange
Apple v. Samsung: 5
Surprising Reveals in Latest Court Documents
-http://bit.ly/OzmsKR "iPhone
came from an idea for Sony smartphone"
The most amazing,
moving commercial of the Olympics – Meet the Superhumans of
the #Paralympics - http://bit.ly/MV2314 puts
things in context
Income Inequality
Killed The Music Business - http://bit.ly/PdHA5y interesting
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