Thursday, 5 July 2012


ACTA: Last-Minute Appeal to EPP Group - pl. send one last email to the only group not voting against #ACTA

#ACTA under fire ahead of crucial vote - so says the European Parliament's news site

EFF Joins Coalition Urging EU Parliament to Reject #ACTA - just in case you doubted it

Die digitale Generation hofft auf ihren ersten Sieg - good summary of how we got here #ACTA (v @netzpolitik)

World Bank Sanctions Oxford University Press for Corrupt Practices Impacting Education Projects in East Africa - shame

Chinesische Behörden stoppen Bau von Kupferfabrik -, a hopeful sign

#ACTA: BTW, there's a useful feed of all the tweets from MEPs on the subject of ACTA here -

TV Analyst: Kids Love Netflix, And Disney Should Break Them Of That Nasty Habit - more </facepalm> moments

The #ACTA vote - who's doing what, when (12.30 local time seems the crucial moment)

Microsoft in the dock over French tax fraud claims - expect to see more of this around EU

Kim Dotcom says Megaupload shutdown was Joe Biden's idea - what a genius that man is (Biden, that is...)

The official birth of the Pirate Party of #Russia - interesting background to its formation

51-pound tumor removed from woman - what's obscene here is that the woman waited because she had no health insurance

Statement of Civil Society Groups on US #TPP Copyright Proposal - "may restrict copyright exceptions like fair use"

Morton Feldman: Complete Chronological Catalogue on Spotify - interesting stuff; can be challenging...

Cyber crime can easily be prevented, says UK Cabinet Office - not so scary after all...

Louis C.K. sees ticket scalping drop over 96% by switching to selling tickets himself - this man is the future

"The #arts need big money. The audience wants good ethics. Where do we go from here?" - #sponsorship #london2012

Plenary vote on unitary patent postponed - that's good; now let's get it sorted #swpats

Generation Youtube bringt Acta zu Fall - Berliner Zeitung meditates on #ACTA

ECJ Decision: You Do Own Software That You Buy - big question is: assuming it's adopted, how widely does it apply?
#ACTA vote - the first of two - about to take place in European Parliament if rumours about EPP plans prove true...

#ACTA: European Parliament running behind schedule; ACTA now down for 12.44 local time 

RT ‏@opensussex  << that does work (tried it) #ACTA

VICTORY! #ACTA Suffers Final, Humiliating Defeat In European Parliament - first analysis

#ACTA rejected by Europe, leaving copyright treaty near dead - history of the treaty

Das Unmögliche möglich machen: EU-Parlament beerdigt ACTA - more views on #ACTA rejection

photo of EP after #ACTA rejection - there were lots of these after the vote

Socialists & Democrats successfully kill #ACTA in the European Parliament - justified pride from @davidmartinmep party

RT @davidmartinmep:#ACTA biggest EVER legislative defeat for Commission in Parliament >>yes, this is important moment

Das Aus für Acta ist ein Sieg der Demokratie - good points in Die Zeit about the role of activists in defeating #ACTA

this is not just pic of the day, but pic of the year: (v @Falkvinge @jwildeboer)#ACTA

RT @MarietjeD66*you may stop sending anti-#ACTA emails now, thank you* >>start sending thank you emails, people...

Europe declares independence from Hollywood with #ACTA vote - early US perspective

#ACTA: fiind out how your MEP voted - then you can thank them...or not (v @andrewjburgess)

The European Parliament Rejects #ACTA: The Impossible Becomes Possible - by @mgeist who helped make it happen

#ACTA: you won! - important point: European citizens made this happen

#ACTA: this is how I will remember victory - (v @beabusaniche @derechosdigital @reddit @omaidog)

European Parliament Declares Its Independence From European Commission With A Massive Rejection Of #ACTA. Now What? -

European Parliament Rejection Puts #ACTA Future In Doubt - some good quotes here

Chinese-built ghost town in Angola - the first of many to come? - whoa, spooky

#ACTA: Wir haben das Unmögliche möglich gemacht! - "Vor wenigen Monaten hätten wir das nicht für möglich gehalten" yup

Thank you #SOPA, thank you #ACTA - great analysis of what happened, what it means

Google shows tools for an accessible web - important but neglected area

Great minute-by-minute description of what happened in European Parliament today - #ACTA

Music Labels Prepare Action To Block Major BitTorrent Sites - no surprise, sadly

UK judge says HTC phones don't infringe Apple patents - " 3 of the patents asserted by Apple in the case are invalid"

Music: The Internet’s Original Sin - "abundance is the signal characteristic of all media"; yup

#ACTA la vista Baby - remembering that nice Mr Vital Moreira for his unique contribution today (v @remixtures)

Another Spanking for Apple From Judge Posner - nicely done 

Europe resoundingly dumps #ACTA - will #australia and #nzfollow suit? (v @billbennettnz)

A quasi-political Explanation of the Higgs Boson - neat (v @mpesce)

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