Friday, 13 July 2012


#CETA Is Now Slightly Less Like #ACTA (But Still Similar, And Still Secret) - why #transparency is imperative

Airbus Explores Building Planes With Giant #3DPrinters  - will be standard one day

EC-Karten: Weit verbreitetes Terminal gehackt, PIN-Klau auch über’s Internet möglich - yikes, this looks serious

[RT] #India Moves Even More Of Its Healthcare Away From Western Pharma - makes sense #generics

Opposing mass data surveillance - good summary from #ORG on#CCDP meetings raising important questions

Every click you make, they'll be watching - more bad #snoopingstuff, this time in #Australia

Are Books Printed With Disappearing Ink Really The Best Way To Make People Read Them? - huh? #publishing

Dear Lamar Smith & House Judiciary: Have You Learned Nothing From #SOPA? - apparently not... #transparency

[with link...] Bauern dürfen mit alten Saatgutsorten handeln - ruling, good news (v @dozykraut)#seeds

Victory in 1st court case in fight against #Wikileaks #visa blockade - so can we donate now? (v @suigenerisjen)

RT @CastellonNay No hay #ACTA sin ratificación del Senado. Eso debe quedar en claro. >>let's hope then...

Why There Are Too Many Patents in US - important post about#swpats by Posner: let's spread it widely (v @carlopiana)

Put bankers behind bars - helping that nice Mr Barnier (v @kaatje36)#epetition

KEI notes on the 13th round of #TPP negotiations in San Diego -, useful; usual FUD about not releasing text

Supreme Court of #Canada Stands Up For Fair Dealing in Stunning Sweep of Cases - some fab rulings #copyright

#ITU Documents Remain Closed to the Public - the dinosaurs' last dance #transparency

RT @PostActa‪#CETA‬ negotiator quits. weird.  ‪#ACTA‬ >>wow, isn't that interesting?

Rewind: #Mexico Surprises Everyone, Signs #ACTA - but is it over? maybe mexican Senate can do something...

Take Cities out of CETA - amazing map of growing resistance to#CETA in #Canada; great find by @wendycockcroft

OUYA: #Android Based Game Console Takes Kickstarter And The World By Storm - #opensource, open funding...

#ACTA’s Victory in Europe and What Lies Ahead - a view from across the pond... #CETA #TPP

A Fair Deal For #NZ - "focusing on copyright changes at stake in#TPP". nice: “All we’re asking for is a Fair Deal,”

Judge tells Kiwis to speak up on #copyright - "I would urge you to put views forward in 2013 review" (v @madbushfarm)

Containers, Facebook, Baseball & the Dark Matter around #OpenData (#IOGDC keynote) - nice piece

#London - another fine gigapixel shot (v @londonist) 

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