Alarm over #CETA Appears
Premature - I
can't share the optimism: I bet these terms are still in there
post-ACTA defeat
US Drought Goes from Bad to Worse
- "12%
of the country fell into the “exceptional” classification."
just weather, no?
Russian Wikipedia blacks out
over #censorship plan
- probably
won't do much, but still...
Streets paved with gold: The council
that works for banks - there's
a job called "The Remembrancer"? wow #london
Der "Geist" von #ACTA lebt
weiter - good
reminder about #IPRED2, #INDECT, #InPoSec (v
EU drafts bill to speed up music
copyright pay - music
collecting societies whine as usual when threatened with change
#India protests
EU study on its data laws - will
become a matter of contention more often #privacy
#Microsoft’s #Ballmer Declares
War on Apple, Considers Smartphone - fighting
for his job; out in a year, perhaps?
Megaupload Extradition Hearing
Postponed Until At Least Spring Of 2013
- punishment
by attrition
The Inclusion of #ACTA Within #CETA:
Why The Concern Is Warranted - this
is my view too; we should be worried
What If?
- Answering
Your Hypothetical Questions With Physics, Every Tuesday. this man is
a wonder
RT @julianhuppert#CCDP committee is
at (only
windows media or silverlight – gah)
"necessity and proportionality"
seems to be the only protection we can expect from#CCDP snooping
judging by police answers this committee
#CCDP committee
- it's clear that the filters are the fishing
#CCDP sounds
like they want Google to store all comms data, even when encrypted -
supposing Google refuses?
#CCDP being
suggested that Google et al. ready to shop all its UK users if this
comes into law...
#ACTA is
back, completed with investment protections
- "secret
arbitration courts disregard fundamental rights" #CETA
canadian Tories launched cross-country
PR push in support of EU trade deal: documents
- that's #CETA/#ACTA (v
Why a tablet victory for #Android is
problematic for Free Software -
good news can be bad news #verticals #eclipse
Rightwing US thinktank uses FoI laws to
pursue climate scientists - bullying
not science #climatedenial (v
Russia Plans Internet #Censorship Bill
(For The Children!); Russian Wikipedia Blacks Out In Protest
- following
Web exploit figures out what OS victim
is using, customizes payload - including
#CCDP yes:
key point - how will filters be controlled and monitored?
Center on Law & Information Policy
Receives Grant to Research Smartphone Patents
- better
still if they did something
How ‘Big Four’ get inside track by
loaning staff to government -
though this seems quite legit, it's worrying #uk
Hipmunk Raises Money... And Is
Immediately Threatened By Patent Troll - which
claims patent on synchronised windows...
PayPal Bans Major File-Hosting Services
Over Piracy Concerns -
I just say I hate #paypal?
that is all.
Growing Attention to
Obama #TPP Threatens
to Undermine Offshoring Attack on Romney - could
election kill #TPP?
NSA chief: Hackers causing ‘greatest
transfer of wealth in history’ -,
look, a squirrel (v @gsDetermination)#banks
Judge Rejects Key Universal Music
Argument In Legal Fight With Grooveshark - take
that #copyright
City of #Helsinki Wants
To Keep Software Costs Secret -
to hide, perhaps? #transparency #finland
EU Parliament ACTA Rejection Last Nail
In #ACTA Coffin
For #Mexico?
- let's
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