Saturday, 30 June 2012


EU court cuts #Microsoft antitrust fine slightly - still 860 million euros (v @carlopiana)#interoperability

[RT] EU Parlamentarian Gallo: #ACTA Dissent 'A Soft Form Of #Terrorism' - this was inevitable

Olympic Social Media Guidelines Muzzle Athletes - as risible as ever 

3D Maps Of Tube Stations - nice, if slightly disconcerting#london

CIA fake vaccine program will have wide-ranging effects on health of Pakistani children - appallingly cynical

BIS Committee report on #Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property - interesting comments (v @tom_watson)#copyright

Using the #TPP to Renegotiate and Expand #NAFTA - the treaty ratchet at work

#ACTA on its last legs? - parliamentary report "recommending that #australia not ratify" ACTA

Bravo, Germany! - "fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents"

Band Explains Why It Loves When Fans Download Unauthorized Copies Of Its Music - obvious, really

Apple Wins Injunction Against Samsung's Galaxy Tab -

Klage gegen Musikpiraten: Gema will echte Namen oder Geld - can't imagine why #GEMA hates #cc licensing...

Student Fined 4 Providing Free Film & TV Subtitles; Another Business Opportunity Thrown Away By #Copyright Industries -

Germany's Friesland mulls using Pirate's #opensource decision-making tool - v interesting move #de

File sharing is no different from Jimmy Carr’s clever accounting - what a farrago of claims that were debunked long ago

Google Is To Pink Slime As Apples Are To Airplanes - the demonisation of #google plumbs new depths #copyright

Stop Software Patents in Europe - they're coming (again): pl. help fight them #swpats

Want Skype on your mobile phone? Swedes will have to pay - #netneutrality, what's that?

RT @BBCPolitics @julianhuppert Blair: I'd like to return as PM >>delusional or what?

Leonard Bernstein the Composer: Complete Chronological Catalogue on Spotify - really underrated as a composer

Confirmed: NY Times Is Launching A Site In #China Tomorrow, With No Paywall - all major newspapers will do this

Filesharing site owner found guilty in Newcastle as penalties for sites get serious - "not hosting illegal material"

Letter from Over 130 US Politicians to USTR Seeking for Greater Transparency in the #TPP - great move (v @eff @mgeist)

Just Because A Banana Can Be Used To Rob A Bank, It Doesn't Mean We Ban Bananas - no, that would be, er, bananas...

One reason for Nexus Q's high price: "Manufactured in U.S.A." - a straw in the wind?

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