Thursday, 14 June 2012


EU Commissioner De Gucht Is 'Innocent Until Proven Guilty'; EU Citizens Are 'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' - #ACTA

UK Trolls and the defamation bill 2012 - useful early analysis (v @glynwintle)

#Linus Torvalds: Linux succeeded thanks to selfishness and trust - #bbc finally discovers who he is

FunnyJunk's bewildered lawyer: "I'm completely unfamiliar really with this style of responding to a legal threat" -

“Defensive Patent License” created to protect innovators from trolls; probably won’t work - "problem is good patents"

24-Year-Old Gets 3 Life Terms in Prison for Witnessing a Drug Deal - utterly insane (v @TransformDrugs)

#springergate: Springer replies and I comment - that is,@petermurrayrust comments

Googling “Chuck Norris” uncovers a very interesting fact -“Chuck Norris can cut through a knife with butter.”

Funny "Lost Wormhole" sign - nicely recursive

Report says movie biz is still growing 3% a year - but but but piracy...#facts

professional #Linux developer interested in bringing best games from Mac and Windows to Linux? - #humblebundle

#Linus Torvalds Splits Tech’s ‘Nobel’ With Stem Cell Pioneer - nice

All of Europe's data in US servers? We're OK with that - EC bod - anyone this naive should be fired immediately #cloud

UK Equal civil marriage consultation - don't let small-minded bigotry triumph: please respond (takes 5 mins online)

Cabinet Office promises unprecedented openness on risky projects - but no access to crucial Gateway reviews

Honoring Elinor Ostrom - quite right, too #commons

Important: big #TPP leak - awful stuff: lets multinationals ignore local laws (v @PCGTW)

#ACTA: heavy pressure on the European Parliament to delay vote - no surprise, alas (v @StopActaNow)

Support #EU ban on the sow stall: not too much to ask, is it? #animalwelfare

Discussion paper on my report on Digital Freedoms in EU foreign policy – share your thoughts! - by @MarietjeD66 

#ACTA: Ein letzter Kraftakt bis zur endgültigen Abstimmung! - wichtig #INTA

#Apple, Congressmen support #Microsoft in battle to prevent Xbox ban - won't someone think of the public? #hypocrisy

You Can Model Anything (Just Not Legally) - huge legal trainwreck, coming to a world near you #3dprinters

The EU Telco Plan To Have The UN 'Tax & Track' Internet Usage Goes Against Fundamental Internet Principles - worrying

Taking More than Candy from a Baby - "Generativity hasn’t had a poster child — until now." horrible word, good analysis

TV Network Censors Journalist Who Criticized BitTorrent News Report - hey, Bulgarian TV, you know you look stupid?

Mozilla and the National Science Foundation launch #openinnovation challenge - great stuf

Bonobo genome reveals more promiscuity in human past -"the ancestral population numbered about 45,000 individuals"

Why the new domain-name lottery is a train wreck - "Who benefits most? #ICANN and domain registrars" – surprise!

Data Catalog Schema and Protocol – Draft Specification - stuff, but pity #okf can't spell "catalogue"...

Online #privacy: Home Office to write blank cheque for 'snoopers' charter' - </sigh> another battle... #uk

How to put girls off from all forms of programming/tech  - honest post from Emma Mulqueeny

How Tech Giants Are Playing The Icann Domain Game - why exactly does #Google need the .soy domain?

How #Censorship in #China Allows Government Criticism but Silences Collective Expression - (v @irenepoet @jilliancyork)

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