Saturday, 23 June 2012


Seth Godin Uses Kickstarter To Test The Market For His Next Book (And The Results Are Good) - the future of #publishing

La democracia vuelve a imponerse ante el #ACTA en el Parlamento Europeo - let's hope...

#Wikipedia Multilingual Maps Project - great explanation; it's harder than you might think

The Friday Photos: Canals - ah, yes: #london, city of canals - wait, what? #pix

Malware author taunts #security researchers with built-in chat - wow, seriously cocky 

Hawaiianern drohte Todesstrafe bei Überfischung - now there's an idea to encourage sustainability...

One court order could gag EVERY ISP in Denmark - good example of why "voluntary" agreements are bad

Biotech report says IP spurs innovation - because its tautological definition of innovation is essential more patents

Why Basic Company Data Must Be Open - important new report shows how bad things are #opendata #eu

Illegal Battery Cage Use for Hens in Europe - #epetition to non-compliant farm ministers

Congressional Staffer Says #SOPA Protests 'Poisoned The Well', Failure To Pass Puts Internet At Risk - shameless FUD

Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2. - rather a fine ending...

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