Friday, 1 June 2012


Alibaba's Linux phone pulls in one MILLION punters - therise & rise of #Linux #china

Industry Committee of the European Parliament crushes #ACTA - shame on #alde for their betrayal

California lawmakers pursue affordable textbooks on Internet - nice move

In #Tibet, a mother of 3 burns herself alive in protest of Chinese rule - desperately sad

Well over two hundred French assembly candidates sign free software pact - cool #fr #opensource

#IKEA under fire for ancient tree logging - another reason not to buy their naff stuff... #sustainability

Swiss parliament demands vendor independent e-government services - more countries wake up to lockin dangers

Deep Listening: Pauline Oliveros and More - v interesting - & different - contemporary composer

The right to read is the right to mine - important post on drawing up principles of #OpenContentMining

European Parliament wants a report on its use of open source - reports are good, action is better

ITRE, LIBE and JURI all voted against #ACTA - great news; remember there is also a vote in DEVE we need to win -

Three Strikes against #ACTA in European Parliament today - good summary by @Falkvinge

Tell the ITU: The internet belongs to us! - another threat to se off...</sigh> #transparency #epetition

Orangutan rescued from poaching, returned to wild, then shot 62 times by thrill-seeking villagers - what can you say?

Announcing the #OpenScience Podcasts - cool

Urheberrechtsdebatte, Schauplatz Schweiz: Europas “Urheberrechts-Guantanamo”? - more people losing it #copyright #ch

The Unbearable Stasis of "Accelerating Change" - well written, nicely argued (v @cstross)

NHS Hack Day brings #opensource to UK Health Service -, not a contradiction in terms

Powerful users? I’d prefer to make stuff :) - wide-ranging post#opendata #opengov #transparency #women

Google dealt blow in book scanning lawsuit - well, it wins some, it loses some #gbs

#Google wins crucial API ruling, Oracle's case decimated - fab: a total & utter smackdown (v @segphault)#copyright

Is the UN the next big threat to internet freedom? - good, link-rich summary of worrying possibility

Congress Stands up for Dolphins, Pushes Back on WTO - wow, I'm rather impressed

Charles-H. Schulz Joins Mandriva's Recovery Team - move; good luck...

Lockdown: free/open OS maker pays Microsoft ransom for the right to boot on users' computers - really bad news

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