Friday, 15 June 2012


Copyright exceptions: clause 56 of Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill - more lack of transparency (v @copyrightgirl)

#ACTA: Last Crucial Step Before Final Vote - contact those MEPS - by phone, if possible

Leistungsschutzrechtsentwurf ist Gefahr für Nutzer und digitale Öffentlichkeit - "unnötig, gefährlich und ohne Sinn."

UK Draft Communications Data Bill - read, digest, then get ready to fight (v @OpenRightsGroup)#CCDP

#CERN Launches Initiative to Facilitate Technology, IP Access - "free-of-royalties licenses": as it should be

Huge variation in UK police spying powers raises concerns for future plans - report from couple of months ago; worrying

RT @MarietjeD66 Encourage your MEP to support #opengov in Europe! #LOTE >>yes, please do...

The distractions of social media, 1673 style - nice little homomorphism you've got there... (v @mathewi)

Stop UK Government Snooping - pl. sign this epetition - it's not much, but it's a start #CCDP

#Australia creates world's largest marine reserve network - good start, but note criticisms at bottom

Ruling Facebookistan - good review of growing problem; fortunately, solution is obvious: full socialnw interoperability

Julian Huppert MP writes… Communications data: we have to get this right - "unacceptable as it currently stands." #CCDP’s Plan to Build the Future of Legal Systems - #law

The #MPAA's Secret Lobby Campaign on Bill C-11 and a Canadian SOPA - staggering favouritism to US interests #ca

UK Government's unprecedented mass surveillance plans going ahead - are those behind this fools or knaves? #CCDP

The Middle Class is Vanishing. Will You Join Them? -, but worth thinking about #resilience

"Die CDU/CSU lehnt auch weiterhin jede Ausweitung der Patentierungspraxis im Softwarebereich ab." - (v @FFII) nice

Troubling Internet Regulations Proposed for WCIT - whoa, this looks awful

MT @EFF#NZ trade minister assures parliament it won't sign #TPP if compromises state sovereignty >>more problems

British Council, MS to Build Digital Hubs in 80 African schools - why help lock into MS upgrade fees? (v @whiteafrican)

US Continues To Try To Block Megaupload From Using Its Lawyers, Pretends It Has Jurisdiction Over The World - deranged

Vote to Save the Planet! - not sure this will do much good, but hey, it's worth a shot...

Call for 3D Artist Applications (Remote Internships) - "free-culture animated science-fiction web series"

The Cyberpolitics Of Cyberbellicosity Cyberpushing Cybersecurity To Cyberprevent Cyberwar - ha!

so important to teach children about #censorship - shame on Argyll and Bute Council (v @JonCG_novelist @charlesarthur)

Ethiopian Gov Bans Skype, Google Talk And All Other VoIP Services - UK gov to modify snooper's charter to trump this

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