Wednesday, 27 June 2012


EU Commissioner Reveals He Will Simply Ignore Any Rejection Of #ACTA By European Parliament Next Week - such contempt

Online Infringement of #Copyright and the Digital Economy Act 2010: Ofcom's new code - 1 month consultation only

Dutch Pirate Party Now at Door to Parliament - excellent stuff #nl

MI5 chief enters row over 'snoopers' charter' - is he really stupid enough to believe that terrorists won't circumvent?

Gesetzentwurf für Mitnutzung von WLANs: “Ohne Internetzugang ist man bereits heute Bürger zweiter Klasse”  - sensible

Tom Watson adds voice to campaign to stop #ODwyer extradition - bravo @tom_watson- who's next? (v @raycorrigan)

Four Big Battles for EU Openness Happening Now - busy:#ACTA#swpats#openstandards#openaccess

WIPO Is Quietly Signing An Agreement To Give Hollywood Stars Their Own Special Version Of Copyright - more monopolies

Winning BIG on #ACTA and Beyond! - "The ACTA debate could mark the beginning of a new era"

ORG Reaction: Ofcom DEA code will lead to wrongful court cases - "Grounds for appeal have been narrowed" #deact

The cracks spread: Why News Corporation’s rumored split isn’t a surprise - good, plausible anlaysis #publishing

The Direct Costs from Patent Troll Disputes - "We estimate that firms accrued $29 billion of direct costs in 2011"

Netflix open sources Asgard cloud deployment smarts - #opensource scaling goodness

MIT’s new software can detect your vital signs with just video camera - why are you embarrassed by this news? #pirvacy

USTR Gives MPAA Full Access To #TPP Text, But Still Won't Share With Senate Staffers - don't even ask 4 the public

Internet piracy appeal fee challenged by Consumer Focus - (v @SaskiaWalzel @copyrightgirl)#deact

New #GM industry push in the UK - more weak reporting by #BBC 

EU #lobbyist register gives incomplete picture - "60 percent of companies lobbying to get #ACTA ratified missing" oh?

Conflicts of interest still evident on new ESFA expert panels - #syngenta#monsanto etc. of course...

Myth Dispensing: The Whole 'Spotify Barely Pays Artists' Story Is Bunk - another one bites the dust #fud

Protect our woods - #epetition to stop possible sell-off of UK forests (again): pl. sign & RT #conservation

Greenpeace Parody Site Censored Using #Copyright Infringement Claim - taste of things to come if #ACTA/#TPP pass

KEI letter to USTR regarding #TPP #copyright provisions - excellent, detailed criticism

YRS2012 and the Custard Factory - exciting stuff #coding#youth

Hip Hop Artists Developing #OpenSource Beat Making Software - groovy, man...or something

Clubs protestieren gegen #Gema: Fünf Minuten Saturday Night Stille - about time, too

Another Coming 3-D Printing IP Nightmare - oh yes...

Dropbox Bans BitTorrent Startup Boxopus Over Piracy Concerns - what a bunch of corporate wusses

Vortex wireless: Terabytes of Wi-Fi is on its way - ooh, I can't wait #future

EU Parlamentarian Gallo: #ACTA Dissent 'A Soft Form Of #Terrorism' - this was inevitable

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