Saturday, 30 June 2012


EU court cuts #Microsoft antitrust fine slightly - still 860 million euros (v @carlopiana)#interoperability

[RT] EU Parlamentarian Gallo: #ACTA Dissent 'A Soft Form Of #Terrorism' - this was inevitable

Olympic Social Media Guidelines Muzzle Athletes - as risible as ever 

3D Maps Of Tube Stations - nice, if slightly disconcerting#london

CIA fake vaccine program will have wide-ranging effects on health of Pakistani children - appallingly cynical

BIS Committee report on #Hargreaves Review of Intellectual Property - interesting comments (v @tom_watson)#copyright

Using the #TPP to Renegotiate and Expand #NAFTA - the treaty ratchet at work

#ACTA on its last legs? - parliamentary report "recommending that #australia not ratify" ACTA

Bravo, Germany! - "fundamental right of the child to bodily integrity outweighed the fundamental rights of the parents"

Band Explains Why It Loves When Fans Download Unauthorized Copies Of Its Music - obvious, really

Apple Wins Injunction Against Samsung's Galaxy Tab -

Klage gegen Musikpiraten: Gema will echte Namen oder Geld - can't imagine why #GEMA hates #cc licensing...

Student Fined 4 Providing Free Film & TV Subtitles; Another Business Opportunity Thrown Away By #Copyright Industries -

Germany's Friesland mulls using Pirate's #opensource decision-making tool - v interesting move #de

File sharing is no different from Jimmy Carr’s clever accounting - what a farrago of claims that were debunked long ago

Google Is To Pink Slime As Apples Are To Airplanes - the demonisation of #google plumbs new depths #copyright

Stop Software Patents in Europe - they're coming (again): pl. help fight them #swpats

Want Skype on your mobile phone? Swedes will have to pay - #netneutrality, what's that?

RT @BBCPolitics @julianhuppert Blair: I'd like to return as PM >>delusional or what?

Leonard Bernstein the Composer: Complete Chronological Catalogue on Spotify - really underrated as a composer

Confirmed: NY Times Is Launching A Site In #China Tomorrow, With No Paywall - all major newspapers will do this

Filesharing site owner found guilty in Newcastle as penalties for sites get serious - "not hosting illegal material"

Letter from Over 130 US Politicians to USTR Seeking for Greater Transparency in the #TPP - great move (v @eff @mgeist)

Just Because A Banana Can Be Used To Rob A Bank, It Doesn't Mean We Ban Bananas - no, that would be, er, bananas...

One reason for Nexus Q's high price: "Manufactured in U.S.A." - a straw in the wind?


[RT] #London Police Want To Crowdsource Guilt-Free #Surveillance - Bentham would be proud 

UNESCO World OER Congress releases 2012 Paris OER Declaration - moar #OER...

Calling Dr. Google - interesting tale

An2An Keyboard - clever #android

ACTAfacts? ACTAfiction? Or Just Unsourced Pro-#ACTA Propaganda Purporting To Be Objective? - desperate or what?

Intellectual Ventures Loses Its Shine: Will Its Business Model Ever Work? - I think we know the answer to that #trolls

Ex-NHS chief Gary Walker 'being gagged' - disgraceful: enquiry needed here (v @bengoldacre)#transparency

5 years of #GPLv3 - interesting point about licence compatibility

Most Blatant Pro-#ACTA Campaign So Far Is A Copyright Monopoly Violation - laws only apply to you & me #hypocrisy

Anonymous Courtroom Notes Raise Serious Questions About SurfTheChannel Conviction - any lawyers got views on claims?

Please help us Free Bassel, #opensource developer and CC volunteer - worrying stuff #syria

Making calls is fifth most frequent UK smartphone activity, according to O2 - computers with phones, not vice versa

#TPP viewed with skepticism - "#China sees it as US conspiracy to interfere with its international rise"; it is

RT @fcouchet Some hours left to call MEP about software patents and ACTA

Countries That Don't Put In Place Copyright Regimes The US Likes May Be Deemed 'Cybersecurity Concerns' - ah, the stick

Europe Reaches Agreement On Unitary Patent - bad news; here's why -

WTO Rules Against Yet Another U.S. Consumer Protection Policy - "will only intensify public opposition to #TPP"

Big e-reader is watching you - something to bear in mind#ebooks

Websites Deemed 'Place Of Public Accommodation' Under ADA; Expects Lots Of Sites To Get Sued - crazy copyright probs?

Revealed: the scale of sexual abuse by #police officers - (v @PoliceStateUK @bc_tmh)

Agreement On EU Unitary Patent Reached - good detailed analysis (v @netzpolitik)

RT @dozykraut EU Software-Patent "inventors" by country if this doesn't scare EU SMEs, nothing will. ‪#swpats‬ 

Softwarepatente in Europa - Worum geht es? - lots of good background (v @dozykraut)#swpats

How Extending #Patent Protection For Antibiotics Creates Perverse Incentives To Render Them Useless - & that's not good

UK's 3-Strikes Plan Continues To Grind Through The System; Still Not In Force, Still Awful - still a disgrace #deact

USTR Rejects Rep. Issa's Request To Observe #TPP Negotiations - such arrogance

Support Grows for Open Access to Science Research - and how #openaccess

Friday, 29 June 2012


#ACTA slammed by Australian Parliamentary Committee - finally turning in #AU too? (v @Asher_Wolf)

Research Shows: You Don't Need Patents To Disclose Information - important point

Xocai chocolate marketers threaten skeptic blogger's family and forces him to remove article - queue Streisand effect -

#Dotcom search warrants declared illegal - wow, really getting interesting this story

#ACTA endangers innovation and fundamental rights -'s  open letter to The President of the European Parliament

UK #OpenData White Paper: Unleashing the Potential - in #ODT format too – kudos

Afripedia collaboration expands offline Wikipedia in #Africa - great movesAfripedia collaboration expands offline Wikipedia in #Africa - great moves

"Another bit of flesh dropped off the decaying zombie that is #ACTA" - The Reg, of course...

Stop Software Patents in Europe [Updated] - important new info for MEPs re vote next week - pl. pass on to them #swpats

Texas Republicans (literally) want to ban critical thinking -"challenging the student’s fixed beliefs": uh-huh...

Current EU consultations of importance to #digitalrights - much is going on at the moment...

1 Million to Ban the #Lion Trade - the selfish stupidity never ends #epetition

Exceptionally Troubling Ruling In The UK: Owners Of Links Site Guilty Of 'Conspiracy To Defraud' - not good

Nature Publishing Group introduces #CC BY option - that's good: other publishers follow suit, pl. #openaccess

‘Responsible soy’ nominated for Belgian Greenwash award - seems well deserved #wwf

#Exxon's CEO: #Climate, energy fears overblown - tell that to your grandchildren (v @dcarli)

Laser Light Show To Inaugurate The Shard - I'm disappointed they won't be playing any Philip Glass... #london

Engendering Change? Gender Advocacy in #OpenSource - of interesting points

What's Behind Canada's Entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks? - good question; interesting answer #tpp

UK Government Release #OpenData White Paper and new Data.Gov.UK - nice screenshots of latter

Help us build a School of Open - how could we refuse?

UK Ministers consult public on 'opt in for smut' plans - "Just tick here, sir, in the 'I am a pervert' box"; quite 

#Qualcomm restructures due to concerns over impact of open source licenses on patents - decides to become irrelevant

Hull teacher admits insulting school pupils on Facebook -, so? are we such complete weeds? (v @DavidAllenGreen)

US Copyright Office, MPAA Celebrate Handing Hollywood Stars Their Own Special #Copyright #Monopoly Powers - twisted

Digital Economy Act: What will Granny think? - raises some excellent points - especially about UK general elections...

NAFTA on Steroids - excellent summary: "#TPP is mainly about new corporate rights, not trade". recommended

Why Louis CK and Amanda Palmer are the future of content - oh yes, you'd better believe it

USPTO Official Misleads Congress on Permissible Scope of Compulsory Licenses to Increase Access to Medicines - tut-tut

Analyzing #Kickstarter: What succeeds, by how much and how often - this is really valuable

A Step-by-Step Guide to Tribal Leadership: Part 1: The Five Stages of Tribal Culture - intriguing

6 Politicians Who Deleted Their Healthcare Tweets -; we all do it...

Free Culture Is The Response To The Ethical Failings Of The Old Entertainment Industry - great analyses

Google Compute Engine - "lets you run #Linux Virtual Machines (VMs) on the same infrastructure that powers Google"

New UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser: - Sir Mark Walport: big fan of #openaccess - yay (v @alokjha @BoraZ)

Microsoft Said To Plan Xbox Music Rivaling Apple, Spotify - coming Real Zune, apparently...

"Google wants Android to be everywhere" - and that means that Linux will be everywhere...

Texas college hacks drone in front of DHS - not a US gov#drone - that's coming soon... (v @AnonyOps @birgittaj)

UK Courts Rule American Law Enforcement has Jurisdiction Over UK Use of UK Websites on UK Servers! - (v @doctorow) huh?

#London Police Want To Crowdsource Guilt-Free #Surveillance - Bentham would be proud 

The Looting of #China by the Kleptokapitalist Bourgeoisie Roaders - staggering stuff, if confirmed (v @boingboing)

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


EU Commissioner Reveals He Will Simply Ignore Any Rejection Of #ACTA By European Parliament Next Week - such contempt

Online Infringement of #Copyright and the Digital Economy Act 2010: Ofcom's new code - 1 month consultation only

Dutch Pirate Party Now at Door to Parliament - excellent stuff #nl

MI5 chief enters row over 'snoopers' charter' - is he really stupid enough to believe that terrorists won't circumvent?

Gesetzentwurf für Mitnutzung von WLANs: “Ohne Internetzugang ist man bereits heute Bürger zweiter Klasse”  - sensible

Tom Watson adds voice to campaign to stop #ODwyer extradition - bravo @tom_watson- who's next? (v @raycorrigan)

Four Big Battles for EU Openness Happening Now - busy:#ACTA#swpats#openstandards#openaccess

WIPO Is Quietly Signing An Agreement To Give Hollywood Stars Their Own Special Version Of Copyright - more monopolies

Winning BIG on #ACTA and Beyond! - "The ACTA debate could mark the beginning of a new era"

ORG Reaction: Ofcom DEA code will lead to wrongful court cases - "Grounds for appeal have been narrowed" #deact

The cracks spread: Why News Corporation’s rumored split isn’t a surprise - good, plausible anlaysis #publishing

The Direct Costs from Patent Troll Disputes - "We estimate that firms accrued $29 billion of direct costs in 2011"

Netflix open sources Asgard cloud deployment smarts - #opensource scaling goodness

MIT’s new software can detect your vital signs with just video camera - why are you embarrassed by this news? #pirvacy

USTR Gives MPAA Full Access To #TPP Text, But Still Won't Share With Senate Staffers - don't even ask 4 the public

Internet piracy appeal fee challenged by Consumer Focus - (v @SaskiaWalzel @copyrightgirl)#deact

New #GM industry push in the UK - more weak reporting by #BBC 

EU #lobbyist register gives incomplete picture - "60 percent of companies lobbying to get #ACTA ratified missing" oh?

Conflicts of interest still evident on new ESFA expert panels - #syngenta#monsanto etc. of course...

Myth Dispensing: The Whole 'Spotify Barely Pays Artists' Story Is Bunk - another one bites the dust #fud

Protect our woods - #epetition to stop possible sell-off of UK forests (again): pl. sign & RT #conservation

Greenpeace Parody Site Censored Using #Copyright Infringement Claim - taste of things to come if #ACTA/#TPP pass

KEI letter to USTR regarding #TPP #copyright provisions - excellent, detailed criticism

YRS2012 and the Custard Factory - exciting stuff #coding#youth

Hip Hop Artists Developing #OpenSource Beat Making Software - groovy, man...or something

Clubs protestieren gegen #Gema: Fünf Minuten Saturday Night Stille - about time, too

Another Coming 3-D Printing IP Nightmare - oh yes...

Dropbox Bans BitTorrent Startup Boxopus Over Piracy Concerns - what a bunch of corporate wusses

Vortex wireless: Terabytes of Wi-Fi is on its way - ooh, I can't wait #future

EU Parlamentarian Gallo: #ACTA Dissent 'A Soft Form Of #Terrorism' - this was inevitable

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Richard #ODwyer and the new internet war - Jimmy Wales's epetition - pl. sign a& RT

Loch Ness monster cited by US schools as evidence that #evolution is myth - </facepalm> (v @Francis_Lam @Glinner)

Our final push: #ACTA vote in ten days, mail the European Parliament - we're nearly there, & we must win this

Winamp's woes: how the greatest #MP3 player undid itself - tale of what might have been...

The Finch Report in a global #OpenAccess landscape - the debate continues #oa

Commission & industry attacks on Parliament hit a new low - great summary of situation before big vote (v @netzpolitik)

What Rio+20 Can Teach the Open Government Partnership - interesting points

Court Denies Pirate Party Naming Right, Cites “Real Pirate” Confusion - "could mislead members of the public" #tw

The #OKF is recruiting! - wannajob? #opendata#openspending

Should we Start a Government as Platform Business Association -  cool idea;#opensource, please... #ogov

#Japan Criminalizes Unauthorized Downloads, Making DVD Backups -- And Maybe Watching YouTube - insane #copyright

Miami Heat Owner Sues Blogger & Google Over 'Unflattering' Photo - can I be the 281st person to say "streisand effect"

Help Us Shape Our Strategy for Intellectual Property Enforcement - USians: an offer you can't refuse (v @digiphile)

Senators Call for Increased Transparency, Including Broader Consultation on Internet Freedom - #TPP #ACTA

#ca Fed Court Says No #Copyright Infringement For Linking, Posting Several Paragraphs from Article - necessary wins

Forscher fordern Grundrechte für Menschenaffen - I agree: "Sie sind wie wir" 

Some Facts & Insights Into The Whole Discussion Of 'Ethics' And Music Business Models - lots of crucial points

Monday, 25 June 2012


ha ha - "only 16% of respondents prefer “haitch” over “aitch”, while 84% prefer “aitch”..."; nice piece #linguistics

Jumping the Olympic® shark - yup (v @timoreilly @whiteafrican)#london2012

E-Diplomacy map shows which leaders talk to each other on #Twitter - fascinating 

PayPal Bans #BitTorrent Friendly VPN Provider - another reason to avoid #paypal like the plague; payplague...?

Vanishing Voices - "sayings & often even single words encase centuries of close observation of species" #linguistics

We love your work… now show us your workings - yup: the next #openaccess battle -

In Defense of Free Music: A Generational, Ethical High Road - brilliant - best piece I've read on topic (v @qco)

On the threshold of a dream? #Patents and computer-implemented business methods in Europe - what a mess: read & weep

Release of cancer figures marks an era of open data - more good #opendata moves by uk gov - kudos (v @McDawg)

Social Distance and the Patent System - good point, often overlooked #patents

Sunday, 24 June 2012


In bid for patent sanity, judge throws out entire Apple/Motorola case - hooray - more judges like this please

How I Accidentally Kickstarted the Domestic #Drone Boom - good intro to important area

A tribute to #Turing, the father of modern computing - don't the turing doodle...

After Oracle, OpenSolaris rises again - good to know

The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia - powerful piece about a cartel of greed (v @boingboing)

Rbutr finds contrary opinions for stories you’re reading - #journalism

The NYPD kills again - awful if confirmed

Die EU will immer noch Netz-Sperren, jetzt sogar weltweit - though it won't address the problem

Henryk Górecki: Chronological Collection - don't miss the wonderful concerto for harpsichord & string quartet #spotify

Ungelivable - nice discussion of factitious chinglishisms#linguistics

Amazon Studios goes head-to-head with Netflix, selects first 4 original TV projects for production - 1st books, now TV

Laocoön - an entertainingly odd, and oddly entertaining little piece... #conway #apple

Megaupload Founder Kim Dotcom Returns to Twitter, Promotes ‘Megabox’ - seems to be more confident these days

Unfixable Computers Are Leading Humanity Down a Perilous Path - also why #apple is the new #evil (v @laurenweinstein)

Police may have to destroy photos of innocent people after court ruling - bravo (v @zeitgeistlondon @julianhuppert)#uk

#ACTA: „Governance by Shitstorm“ - wow: what a shoddy piece of #FUD from #FAZ; good debunking from @netzpolitik 

Saturday, 23 June 2012


Seth Godin Uses Kickstarter To Test The Market For His Next Book (And The Results Are Good) - the future of #publishing

La democracia vuelve a imponerse ante el #ACTA en el Parlamento Europeo - let's hope...

#Wikipedia Multilingual Maps Project - great explanation; it's harder than you might think

The Friday Photos: Canals - ah, yes: #london, city of canals - wait, what? #pix

Malware author taunts #security researchers with built-in chat - wow, seriously cocky 

Hawaiianern drohte Todesstrafe bei Überfischung - now there's an idea to encourage sustainability...

One court order could gag EVERY ISP in Denmark - good example of why "voluntary" agreements are bad

Biotech report says IP spurs innovation - because its tautological definition of innovation is essential more patents

Why Basic Company Data Must Be Open - important new report shows how bad things are #opendata #eu

Illegal Battery Cage Use for Hens in Europe - #epetition to non-compliant farm ministers

Congressional Staffer Says #SOPA Protests 'Poisoned The Well', Failure To Pass Puts Internet At Risk - shameless FUD

Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 2. - rather a fine ending...

Friday, 22 June 2012


liveblogging of #INTA session by @Falkvinge- live stream here: mms:// #ACTA

#Openaccess may require funds to be rationed - sounds like new #FUD to me... (v @RickyPo)

Google Fights to Save 3,054 Languages - really important stuff - kudos #linguistics

#INTA additional voter - representing non-aligned...not sure what this means in practice... #ACTA

"Not one person in the committee was able to put forward a position in favour of # ACTA." - says it all #INTA

The coming revolution in STM #scholpub - long, important post analysing this area #openaccess

UK Communications Bill Creates Dangerous Database - big battle we must win #surveillance

Your Genome, Your Data - are we ready for the other digital revolution? I think not... #privacy #dna

Doubling down: FunnyJunk lawyer to subpoena Ars, Twitter - </facepalm>

#ACTA Update XIX - so we won #INTA: now it's the big one - the plenary vote on 4 July - we can do it 

Massive Gold Trove Sparks Archeological Dispute - (v @izakaminska)#de

#ICANN is wrong - "These things shouldn't be #TLDs, they're too important, too basic to life."

Eric #Whitacre: Complete Recordings on #Spotify -'s favourite accessible modernist

"EPP still hopes to make #ACTA a good agreement through changes or additional protocols" - NB: this is their strategy

Penguin brings e-books back to NYC libraries - "Each e-book will expire after a year" - literature no longer immortal

“If we can set a goal to sequence the human genome for $99, then why not $99 for scholarly publishing?" - quite

Science as an open enterprise - #royalsociety report; not read it yet...anyone? (v @michael_nielsen)#openscience

#Drone dogfights by 2015? U.S. Navy preps for futuristic combat - I'm amazed we haven't heard more about this

The #OpenAccess strategy wars - yes, we are entering the big pushback. needed: a counter-push...

#Warlord: Chechnya's Boss-for-Life Joins Twitter - bizarre

Jumping Off The Burning Platform: #Nokia Knew It Was Stuck On WP7 When It Signed On - class action on its way?

How Activists Coordinated European Opposition to #ACTA - summary with lots of links #EU

The #ACTA agreement is rejected by #INTA - important moment capture for posterity (v @dozykraut)#pix

Fifth EU Committee Recommends Rejection Of #ACTA By European Parliament - all the thrills & spills of the day #INTA

The draft “Communications Data Bill”, opportunities and challenges - more legal analysis #uk

US-EU Transatlantic Trade Deal Would Skip IPRs - in the light of #ACTA, I think (v @mgeist)

Kim Dotcom: Artists Rejoice, Megabox is Not Dead - you have to admire the chap's indomitability

UN expert labels CIA tactic exposed by Bureau ‘a war crime’ - "deliberately targeting rescuers in its drone strikes"

Why Do The People Who Always Ask Us To 'Respect' Artists Seem To Have So Little Respect For Artists? - pathetic

#Kickstarter by the numbers: New stats page gives daily updates - pretty big numbers, too

Autodesk uses Octocopter to find fossils with Louise Leakey - interesting non-military use for drone

Help us shape Wikimedia’s prototype visual editor - nice;#opensource too (v @Joscelyn)


Exoplanets - more sheer #xkcd genius

WHO Paper: How To Guard Against #Tobacco Companies – And Trade Law - shows the damage trade agreements are doing

Frank #Zappa as Composer - 6 hours on #spotify

Proposed Licensing For Newspaper Snippets Could Threaten Users Of Blogs, Facebook And Twitter In #Germany - bonkers

Terra-i: the most precise real-time deforestation tracker yet - great, let's hope it helps

Capitalists Who Fear Change - good summary of key challenges #innovation #patents (v @zoobab)

Spain’s fish barons cash in on UK stocks - this kind of greed & stupidity makes my blood boil #sustainability

FOI request: Public sector favours legacy over open-source storage - shame (v @Mark_Antony)#uk

Das Datum für die ACTA-Abstimmung steht - final #ACTAvote set for 4 July

#INTA Committee Must Reject #ACTA - joint press release from 39 European and International organisations

Indian ISPs Unblock BitTorrent Sites After Appeal -"copyright holder can’t demand broad takedowns" #india

Drugs Without the Hot Air: the most sensible book about drugs you'll read this year - sounds interesting

Shapeways hits one million 3D printed creations - it's happening #3dprinters

#ACTA Update XVIII - why "step in right direction" is not good enough. please contact your MEPs today #INTA

Web Design and Development Survey - "82% of respondents "prefer" using #opensource"

"UK Pirate Party, political wing of The Pirate Bay" - #bbcutterly clueless, as ever (v @CheapassFiction @Asher_Wolf)

Samsung demands Apple compensation following 3G patent lawsuit win in the Netherlands - </sigh>

RT @doctorow My source says the European People's Party will call for a secret vote on #ACTA PLS RT! #EP >>shameful, if true

Bibliographic References in Textus - great: #opensource. but needs sandpit text - too many scribbles there currently

The New #Elitism: File Sharing 'Created' Pop Music And Removing Gatekeepers Is 'Killing Culture' - long, interesting

Rücktritt bei Piraten: Geschäftsführer Delius gibt Posten auf - not another one...

Denmark drops reform of EU #access to documents rules as disagreements prove insurmountable - probably for the best

ALDE condemns EPP plans to hold secret vote on #ACTA - something to hide, #EPP?

Oil company sues ISP, kills Greenpeace's protest site against them - this is where #ACTA goes #censorship #copyright

The Chilling Effects On #Innovation Caused By Bad #Copyright Law - pity more people don't get this

Dilma: Save the Rio Earth Summit! - please

How To build an Anti-#ACTA Campaign - why can't we all be this efficient...? #de

Denmark Ditches Warning Letters, Launches Soft War On Piracy - at least someone is getting sensible #dk

#Oracle agrees to 'zero' damages in #Google lawsuit, eyes appeal - what an utter waste of time & effort (v @webmink)

UN Non-Takeover Of The Net: ITU’s Touré Calls For Documents To Be Public - hopeful sign? #transparency

Opinion: EFF should call for the elimination of software patents - well, obvs... #swpats

WCITLeaks Gets Results - & here's v good analysis of what's really going on with that #ITU call for #transparency

How a rape survivor could change #Afghanistan - come on, Karzai, do something... #epetition

Just Relax Canada, U.S. Pharma Wll Handle It - ha! nicely done #TPP

Will Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 Move Put Nokia's Current Business on Ice? - even #MS is putting the knife into #Nokia

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Android marches on in #China, now accounts for 55.4% of #smartphones, iOS at 12.4% - big, important numbers

Mieczyslaw Weinberg: Chronological Collection on Spotify - amazing what's hidden away here

The End of the World: The State vs. the Internet -, thoughtful stuff

First thoughts on the Finch Report: Good steps but missed opportunities - #openaccess continues its march to victory

As tablet use grows, #Android use on par with #Apple, report says - thanks to #kindle - but does that count?

FSFE to Advance Fair Public IT Procurements in Finland - a slog, but good someone is doing it #opensource

I'm about to ring MEPs on the #INTA committee about important #ACTA vote: why don't you do the same? -

Reaction to the Finch report - @petermurrayrust- “good intentions and missed opportunities”. #openaccess

Crucial #ACTA Vote: Will #INTA Committee Betray EU Citizens? - your call or email can help make a difference

Wuthering Moors 19 – what is Defra hiding? - #defrabehaving badly (v @GeorgeMonbiot)#foi

Alma Swan's fab response to #dailymail #openaccess #FUD - spot on (v @petersuber)

Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site - not so clever, O Google PhDs: you're creating a precedent

Help us win another crucial #ACTA vote: call your MEP! - summary of issues, plus numbers to call #INTA

The affordable African smartphone battle begins: Samsung’s Galaxy Pocket vs Huawei’s Ideos X1 - another crucial market

Staaten forsten 18 Millionen Hektar Wald auf - good news for a change #trees

#INTA info: I was just told that Syed Kamall is "leading" on Thursday's #ACTAvote for ECR party, so he is the key man here...

important: SOS EU open access to scientific publications - fightback against #openaccess - contact MEPs pl.

Statement on #TPP Parties Invite Mexico to Join Negotiations - "will make the negotiation of IP chapter much harder."

#INTA Just spoke with Robert Sturdy's assistant: clear that ECR MEPs will be voting for delay; #ACTA is good basis for future, good signal

#INTA just spoke to ECR's Syed Kamall: he says more time is needed to evaluate #ACTA, hence his amendment calling for delay...

British Waterways charidee mapping data handed to Google for free - but will #openstreetmap get it too?

#TPP Investment Chapter Leaked, Gives Investors Right to Sue States (Except Australia) - so why accept it elsewhere?

Knight Foundation awards $320,000 to #Tor Project - really great news

#Opensource geiger counter about to score over $100K on Kickstarter -  another great kickstarter project

#Monsanto May Be Forced To Repay Brazilian GM Soybean Royalties Worth Billions Of Dollars - ouch #br

Two things we’ve proved along the way - #mozilla, that is...

MT @BWcomms[British Waterways] says "we're looking into releasing the data [more widely] and might consider it in the future. :)"

#ITU & the Real Threats to Internet, Part IV: the Triumph of State Security & Proposed Changes to ITRs - interesting

2nd Tier Status for #Canada?: 5 Questions On Canada's Entry to The Trans Pacific Partnership Talks - humiliating

Secret documents show how hard Conservative government lobbied to get into#TPP talks - deathwish? (v @PCGTW)#ca

Canada to join Trans-Pacific trade talks - note ridiculous figures for claimed benefits (v @publicknowledge)#TPP

Defend Innovation - clip software patents' wings - a good start, but even more is needed... (v @webmink)

David Lowery Wants A Pony - what he said

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


new forums for discussing Communications Data Act, #'ACTA & #TPP (& how to combat them) - set up by @wendycockcroft

'#Openaccess' move puts thousands of UK jobs at risk - has arrived if the #dailymail is attacking it (v @McDawg)

Ebook Sales Surpass Hardcover for First Time in U.S. - it's happening #publishing

Can I Sue You People? Troll Lawyer Sues The Charities The Oatmeal Supports - spectacularly stupid

top 500 supercomputers June 2012 - #Linux now has 92.4%

Want to meddle with IP rights? Use the law, not amended regulations - quite: really dangerous move

More transparency into government requests - #google doing the right thing here, shining light on murky takedowns

Join the Twitterstorm - nice use of #socialmedia#endfossilfuelsubsidies 

EU court backs environmentalists in pesticide case - and so it goes on

#China goes Alt with root proposal - "Because the DNS doesn’t scale"; yeah, right

#Mozilla takes aim at the iPad browser market with its 'Junior' prototype - more cool stuf

Thames cable car opens for passengers on 28 June - just in time for the #London ski-ing season

Mister Rinaudo will die Wüste stoppen - heartening tale#africa

Spanish Supreme Court rules in favour of #Google search engine - good, sensible ruling (v @copyrightgirl)#copyright

#ACTA Showdown Coming Up – Man Your Barricades - the penultimate battle: #INTA committee

Blocking Gun Laws With Patents - made for each other: gun nuts and intellectual monopoly maximalists...

Stopping #ACTA#INTA Committee - nearly there: pl. start phoning & emailing MEPs, and RT

Slovak Collecting Society Sends Village Invoice For Singing Folk Song About Itself - sadly, not a joke... #sk

OSI Welcomes New Affiliates, Opens For Affiliate Applications - OSI continues to evolve

The Battle over C-11 Concludes: How Thousands of Canadians Changed The#Copyright Debate - good summary of complex area

Debunking #cybercrime myths - important early work that seeks the facts

The Communications Data Bill (first look) - best analysis so far of dangers that lurk within #uk #surveillance

Protect BBC Independence - 38 Degrees #epetition on maintaining BBC's political independence

The limits of #openness - what happens when openness & privacy collide? #openstreetmap #drones

RT @teirdes about 350 e-mails asking me to reject #acta in #inta on thursday. >>come on people, we can do better than that...

Step Aside, RIM: #Samsung Wants Your Customers to Use the Galaxy S III - shrewd move into enterprise; awful for #RIM

File Sharing and the Greek Crisis - fascinating analysis, especially of moral rights in context of #P2P #gr

US Welcomes Mexico as New #TPP Negotiating Partner - big: US clearly trying to get more supporters on board (v @mgeist)

Thoughts on the UK coalition govt mass surveillance bill - thoughts on bad ideas

IBM's Sequoia is world's fastest supercomputer - & #Linuxhas 92.4% - oh wait, that's not in the article; for a change.

#Copyright and "intellectual disobedience" - interview with the always-interesting @ninapaley

Warum wir gegen #ACTA sind - a reminder

Seth Godin Funds New Book on Kickstarter in Under 3 Hours - the future of #publishing

MPAA / RIAA Ponder Suing Persistent BitTorrent Pirates - you thought 6-strikes would be harmless? #us

Irish #Bloomsday Celebrations Finally Possible Without Threat Of Copyright Claims From James #Joyce Estate - this long?

Forget Edison: This is How History's Greatest Inventions Really Happened - aka: why patents are based on flawed premise

Internet freedom in #Ireland: apathy is not a policy - true statement

#Dell Extends #Ubuntu Retail into India - fab: pity they couldn't do it in the UK

La Ley #Sinde-Wert comienza a actuar contra webs de enlaces en España - a waste (v @jmcest @carmen_ta @mediatelecom)

NSA: It Would Violate Your Privacy to Say If We Spied on You - utterly shameless (v @jmcest)

Monday, 18 June 2012


A mercurial treaty: #TPP and the United States - more people waking up to this (v @klang67 @DrRimmer)

Frédéric #Chopin: Complete Works, 100 Pianists - for your Sunday delectation #spotify

School Dinners and Spygate - incredible backstory to#NeverSeconds fiasco; pathetic stuff (v @webmink)

How to protect free speech online - some sensible suggestions

Merger Zoo - facinating use of crowdsourcing to evaluate cosmological simulations #galaxyzoo

#Monsanto may lose #GM soya royalties throughout #Brazil - could cost billions; huge implications

30 minutes or more: Why web content keeps getting longer - so much for attention spans getting shorter

WWF tries to silence criticism - sad how #WWF has come down in the world...

Google Gives $300,000 To Osu Open Source Lab - only sensible, but welcome nonetheless #opensource

[correct link] Wikimedia warnt: Wikipedia demnächst ohne Weblinks? - worrying; what on earth are you doing, #germany?

Theresa May's Internet History - let's request 1 day's Net records for every politician in government #1daysnoop

DJU/ver.di: Leistungsschutzrecht irgendwie in Ordnung -, what a greedy & selfish bunch of journalistic dinosaurs