Tuesday, 28 February 2012


UK Labour Party: Let's Just Get On With Kicking People Offline Over #Copyright Infringement - http://bit.ly/y6JEn2 [RT from weekend]

#Mozilla in Mobile – the Web is the Platform - http://bit.ly/wVTrmK good stuff happening #openstandards

Wikileaks publishers The Global Intelligence Files - http://bit.ly/yoSWNO #Stratfor is clearly a disgusting outfit

OpenGeocoder - http://bit.ly/ACHlTA "an experiment in creating and serving geocodable results" #publicdomain

#Elsevier withdraws support for the Research Works Act - http://bit.ly/zGz98j nice little climbdown there... (v @openscience)#oa #rwa

#Android growing 250% year-on-year, with over 300 million total devices worldwide - http://tnw.co/zu66Ff 850,000 activations per day

Right versus pragmatic - http://bit.ly/zUg3ad wonderful parable about toilets & #copyright (v @monkchips @robertbrook)

FFII call for action: Act on #ACTA - http://bit.ly/yF8K0v good advice: pl. contact your MEPs on ITRE committee today - meeting tomorrow

#ACTA Update IX - http://bit.ly/A74kZU please contact your MEPs on #ITRE today - important discussion tomorrow

European Parliament also calling for referral of #ACTA to #ECJ? - http://bit.ly/znz07m seems open for comments? (v @StopActaNow)

Parliament to receive 2.4 million petition signatures against #ACTA - http://bit.ly/AALyUq great work by #avaaz (v @lexelas @netzpolitik)

TRIPS-Plus, FTAs & Wikileaks - Fresh Insights on Implementation & Enforcement of IP in Developing Countries – http://bit.ly/xldkML

Attorney Says #Pinterest Needs To Change Its Digital #Copyright Policy - http://rww.to/ymOJDV still up in the air

#Megaupload Founder Kim Dotcom: “We’re Going To Win” - http://bit.ly/Aa7USv could be fun to watch

Community-Prioritized Web Standards - http://bit.ly/z8cLN8 sounds good, but will it gain traction?

Even now the #RWA was worth it for #Elsevier - http://bit.ly/xn73TK shrewd analysis #openaccess

The New French Hacker-Artist Underground - http://bit.ly/z4ALZv nice piece about charming group #fr

Telefonica: Mozillaphone is 'ten times cheaper than an iPhone' - http://cnet.co/ApTEV8 v cool if they manage it

RIP Research Works Act - http://bit.ly/w5SCfU "we will continue to see a growth in open access publishers": ha! kudos to all concerned #rwa

Key #Techdirt SOPA/PIPA Post #Censored By Bogus #DMCA Takedown Notice - http://bit.ly/wRSQ8O so what's going on here?

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