iPhone Data Debunks Recording
Industry's Report On How French Three Strikes Law Increased Sales -
http://bit.ly/wPCB2L #hadopi
not so good
Maladministration complaint against the
European Parliament - http://bit.ly/Azxi9j
interesting move; not sure whether much will happen #acta
Join the international day of action
against #ACTA,
Sat, Feb. 11 - http://bit.ly/yFqOqX
one for the diary
The BBC censors the word "Palestine"
- http://bit.ly/A5XwWw #bbc
is so utterly spineless these days... (v @jilliancyork)#censorship
De Gucht merits #ACTA
rejection - http://bit.ly/xbYF2P
well put (v @SinkDeep)
What Open Source Has Been Waiting For? - http://bit.ly/xq0x2C
certainly looks good so far #opensource
War on the Internet: The Pirate Bay
Denied Their Day in Supreme Court - http://bit.ly/xoAG1t
smells v fishy
Next In Line To Receive US 'Encouragement' To Adopt Harsher
Anti-Piracy Laws - http://bit.ly/xsN7lm
nice country you've got there
Why the EU will repent #ACTA
at leisure - http://bit.ly/yoZcvp
interesting analysis
Drone Swarms are Here: 1 Minute to
Midnight? - http://bit.ly/yVAfEu
if this doesn't scare you, you're not paying attention #drones
question: Do we know the names of the
delegates who signed #ACTA
on behalf of their countries? - was it just the ambassadors in Japan?
Do You Like Online Privacy? You May Be
a Terrorist - http://bit.ly/wAl9ZZ
so says FBI (v @kyrah404)
Racial profiling of Tibetans and
#Uyghurs at
Beijing hotels and bathhouses? - http://bit.ly/xtAqaY
racist much? #tibet
is a victory for #Denmark
- NB trade minister talks only of counterfeits, nothing about
digital piracy - the old trick
is a victory for #Denmark
- http://bit.ly/zG4GBy NB trade
minister talks only of counterfeits, nothing about digital
Act now to stop new threat to freedom
of online speech - http://bit.ly/wLSRSB
great to see #ACTA
covered in local UK sites too
Tell The USTR Not to Do Big Content’s
Bidding - http://bit.ly/zTyQFu
Public knowledge tries to tame the Special 301 monster
: Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age - http://bit.ly/xiBZ5d
interesting-looking book by Philippe Aigrain; free #ebook
Pack Liberté - http://bit.ly/vZ7vgt
"Un pack pour soutenir les libertés" - nicely done
(#openrightsgroup take note) (v @jerezim)
activates European civil society - http://bit.ly/xy3u0a
the sleeping giant of #Europe
Smoking gun on #ACTA
Criminal Sanctions - http://bit.ly/yts7fe
European Commission wanted prison for copyright infringement #EU
URGENT: Canadian #DMCA
To Become Law - http://bit.ly/y6u0QH
canadians might like to write to their MPs...
Whistle-blowing Scientists Sue FDA For
Snooping On Their Personal Email Accounts - http://bit.ly/xHb58O
shabby stuff
Canadian Music Industry Lobby: Put SOPA
Into C-11 Or Stand With Illegal Sites - http://bit.ly/xCpoAl
bullying much? #ca
What is Apache Hadoop? -
http://oreil.ly/xUXhgU excellent
intro #opensource
Mythbusters Banned From Discussing RFID
By Visa And Mastercard - http://bit.ly/zheDff
nothing to hide, of course (v +Dirk
Hohndel )
Junge Union gegen ACTA -
http://bit.ly/x5bXIF youth gets it
because #ACTA
screws up their world & their future
Why Piracy Is Indispensable For The
Survival Of Our #Culture
- http://bit.ly/xfx0JL we have a
big problem; #piracy
is part of the solution
The chilling effect of global copyright
enforcement - http://bit.ly/zrAByn
good to see more people blogging about #ACTA
ACTA as a Case of Strategic Ambiguity -
http://bit.ly/z9JyZP v interesting
meditation on #ACTA's
weird vagueness
Silicon London is first choice of base
for Google, Facebook and other tech giants - http://bit.ly/zHEF05
looks good for #london
Annotators of the World Unite! -
http://bit.ly/AcBDF5 who could
resits that call?
Identonomics - the economics of online
identity, part 1: personal data is the currency -
http://bit.ly/y0tPZs fascinating
stuff #facebook
Commission to add pharma pollutants to
water law - http://bit.ly/AjYrs9
makes sense #eu
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