What The Curebit Saga Teaches Us About
And #Reputation
- http://bit.ly/yueqWw fascinating
EU says it won't back down in airline
emissions row - http://bit.ly/AvI1x3
wonder how this will work out? #china
70 Groups Ask Congress to Halt Work On
#SOPA and PIPA -
http://bit.ly/wy2grE unlikely to
happen, but good to keep up the pressure
Bureau Reviews: Sarkozy’s £10,000
food bill - http://bit.ly/AcjtTh
that's per day...
WunderMap Shows Weather From the Past &
Future - http://rww.to/w3wXN0
looks rather cool
Czech government suspends process of
ratification of #ACTA
- PM - http://bit.ly/AwAt9d I
can't work out if this is a trick or not....
Why an International Trade Agreement
Could Be as Bad as SOPA - http://bit.ly/xMUckU
good piece; great to see "copyright ratchet" meme #ACTA
Patent Office: Inventors Don't Have To
Pay #Copyright
On Science Submissions - http://bit.ly/zKHFbJ
scientific publishers behaving badly
Open-source Weave liberates data for
journalists, citizens - http://bit.ly/zOCpQh
nice combo #opensource
Whatever happened to that "six
strikes" P2P notice system? It's coming soon -
http://bit.ly/zVRBqJ good update
on bad idea
Die 10 Mythen der EU-Kommission - http://bit.ly/x5oh6f
good debunking of three of them
Lenovo ordered to pay €1920 for
making French laptop buyer pay for Windows too - http://bit.ly/x13cRW
great EU precedent# #bundling
OGDCamp + OKCon = Open Knowledge
Festival 2012 in Helsinki, Finland! - http://bit.ly/w549nM
lovely city, too...
EU Socialists appoint Martin as
rapporteur for #ACTA
- http://bit.ly/AenQjb "open
and transparent in my deliberations": we'll see (@jerezim)
Is #secrecy
the new black in IP? - http://bit.ly/zNnjCu
good analysis of issues around #ACTA
Republic, #Slovakia
freeze #ACTA -
http://bit.ly/zAsanR wow, slovakia
too - this is getting impressive (v @StopActaNow)
Will the New #ACTA
Rapporteur Stand For Citizens Freedoms? - http://bit.ly/x4MdYd
let's just say we shouldn't bank on it...
Lamar Smith: Enemy Of The Internet?
Defends Internet Snooping Bill - http://bit.ly/x61p9K
full of bad ideas, this chap.... #SOPA
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