Friday, 26 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121024 -  yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

[RT] Indian Politician Plans To Install Surveillance Cameras In His Ministers' Homes And Offices - others should try it

#Hindi Songs, #Bollywood & Indian Music - Free! - great site for fans everywhere

"#RasberryPi and #Broadcom - get a big FAIL for even bothering to make a press release for this" -  disappointing

Dalli resignation row turns to war of words with Barroso - is going to be a complex mess #eu

Apple wins preliminary ruling from U.S. ITC that Samsung violates 4 design and touch patents - swings & roundabouts

[RT] restoration of defocused and blurred images using #opensource- whoa, think of the implications here (v @gnat)

UK makes biggest emissions cuts in Europe - "economy grew 48% since 1990, emissions are down 18%" NB US...

Greg Abbott, Texas Attorney General, Threatens To Arrest U.N. Elections Observers - dictators applaud (v @jwildeboer)

Is The #EU's New Directive On Clinical Trials Moving In The Wrong Direction? - doesn't look good #opendata #health

Governments Weigh Options On New Top-Level Domains At ICANN - let's hope they do something sensible

Getting Kids Into Electronics With Hummingbird - nice idea, bit pricey #opensource

PirateBox Takes File-Sharing Off The Radar and Offline, For Next To Nothing - cat & mouse continues

EU-Kommission distanziert sich von Netzsperren - let's hope this is true

Bowker: Number of self-published books up 287% since 2006 - clearly things aren't too bad in some sectors

Inside the #Monsanto Information War - great piece: "FDA has never done a safety study on these products"

Turns Out When Random House Said Libraries 'Own' Their Ebooks, It Meant, 'No, They Don't Own Them' - what a surprise

Legal Scholars: Thumbs Down on Patent and Copyright - a few familiar names

Torrent Site Webhost Ordered to Pay “Piracy” Damages - precedent

#Wikipedia rolls out a completely redesigned mobile site, with an emphasis on type and readability - good idea

This #Android Phone is Tailor-Made for Visually Impaired People - great idea

Green campaigners condemn Peter Lilley's energy committee post - "anti-green, anti-science forces are gaining ground"

Kritik von allen Seiten am Leistungsschutzrecht, aber es kommt trotzdem - utterly bonkers

UN Assault on the Open Internet and Privacy - why UK government-financed report on terrorism & the Net is exactly wrong

TV Shack Admin Richard O’Dwyer “Almost Certain” To Be Extradited To US - extradition for copyright? shameful

UN Agencies: A growing threat for the Internet? - good analysis of this truly bad report #terrorism #censorship

UK parliamentarians scrutinize digital surveillance plan -'s hope they do rather more than just that...

‘Am Weg zu einer normalen Partei’: Böll-Stiftung präsentiert Piraten-Studie - interesting #de

Why Canada should reject EU demands on pharma patents - 'cos they'd be mad not to (v @mgeist)#CETA

#Hackers fighting #Corruption? - hugely important initiative#transparency

Internet betting: Irish government seeks to introduce blocking on no evidence and against EU findings - evidence-free

#Monsanto Meets Ministers to Push Return of GM Crops to Britain - more anti-science, pro-business stuff from coalition

Sabato 27 Ottobre tutti pronti per #LinuxDay2012 - che ci fossi anch'io... #it

Dalligate: Smokescreen or smoking gun? - big, important piece about lobbying, corruption & transparency in #eu

Richard O'Dwyer's Extradition Case - his mother gives the facts #copyright

Threatened Voices - "collaborative database of bloggers who have been threatened, arrested or killed"

The Data Bootcamp in #Tanzania - great to see #opendata#africa

Pearson confirms Penguin/Random House merger talks - #publishing

Software Eats Education: With $15 Million In Series B Funding, Andreessen Horowitz Bets On Udacity -

Making The Most Of File Sharing: Free Market Research & A Captive Target Audience - an opportunity, not a threat

An Ada Lovelace Day edit-a-thon at Harvard University - idea, more needed

The ODI embraces data-as-culture with art commission -; closes this sunday (v @agentGav @leashless)#opendata

EU #Surveillance Team: We Need More Surveillance To Justify More Surveillance - as one does #INDECT

Four NGOs ask NIH to grant open licenses to ritonavir patents under Bayh-Dole March-in provisions - potentially big

"Die Printredaktionen sind die Basis für alles, was wir auf Online entwickeln können" - hahaha, u funny (v @annalist)

UN to investigate civilian deaths from US #drone strikes -"he condemned secret rendition and waterboarding as crimes"

#London's Admiralty Arch to be luxury hotel - not sure about this

How the UK Police copy and keep your phone secrets -; this must stop #snooping

#TPP’s Effects on the IP Law of Canada and Mexico -, useful; #ca or #mx would be mad to agree to this lot

Freedom to tinker is the missing feature in tablets and smartphones - crucial point

Striking new scientific study shows strikingly that scientific studies with striking results often false - makes sense

The Value of Money for Nothing - "money is such a powerful drug and scarcity thinking so pervasive"

Anthropologist: Apple is a religion - well, obvs

Megaupload Can’t Come Back Online, U.S. Tells Court -, the DoJ's argument is unbelievably strained

Obama Administration Convicts Whistleblower, Gives Accused Torturers A Free Pass - "a terrible day for the rule of law"

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