Thursday, 11 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121009 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

Rare footage shows extreme measures of Tibetan protesters - fine journalism about awful situation (v @markmackinnon)

#INDECT ist nur ein Symptom – EU-Forschung braucht effektive Kontrolle! - good points #privacy #surveillance

Breaking the Cycle of Prescription Drug Costs - great piece about how patent monopolies kill on a horrendous scale

The #Philippines' Awful New 'Cybercrime' Law Put On Hold -- For Now - the fight goes on

"Ima gonna start with Bach, the rebel. The badass." - intro to the man & his music (v @jessicaduchen)#reddit

Humble Bundle Launches Its First eBook Bundle; Books From Neil Gaiman, Cory Doctorow, John Scalzi & More - nice stuff

Clayton Christensen: “Disruptive Innovations Create Jobs, Efficiency Innovations Destroy Them” - yup

TSA Agents Humiliate Woman Dying of Cancer - so, this is how we are winning against those terrorists, eh..?

British Library tracks rise and fall of file formats - network effects incredibly strong #html

Lawmakers turn down EU Arctic drilling moratorium -"Chevron offered MEPs a free trip to its offshore Alba platform"

Kim Dotcom: U.S. Government Used Echelon to Spy on Me - oooh, #echelon - haven't heard about that for a while

Wiki Loves Monuments breaks Guinness World Record for largest photo competition - more than 350,000 photos – yay

#Brazil State Court Orders Monsanto Co To Suspend Seed Royalties - big defeat for #monsanto

Yet Another Arkansas Legislator Is Nuts: 'If Slavery Were So Godawful, Why Didn't Jesus Condemn It?' - riiight

Standards and the Status Quo - good analysis: "#openstandards allow innovation to flourish"

25 Common Abbreviations in Mandarin - you know, just in case #chinese

Communicate more easily across languages in Gmail -"adding more than 100 virtual keyboards, transliteration and IMEs"

RT @sankarshan Indian Railways - Mapped live on Google Maps >>what fun

Please tell Walmart to start selling sustainably caught canned tuna - come on, #walmart, this is unacceptable

The Pacific free trade deal that's anything but free - the#guardian joins the chorus of disapproval #TPP

The Do Not Track standard has crossed into crazy territory - this is why Net must be run by engineers, not business

Nightmare in the modern world - death toll in West Papua "as high as 800,000"; troubling #indonesia (v @suigenerisjen)

German Gov't Inadvertently Reveals Police Monitor Gmail, Skype, Facebook & Use Snooping Malware - careless... #de

Commission proposes candidate status for Albania - really? hmm...

Raped pupil expelled for 'tarnishing school's image' - truly sickening (v @asteris @NickKristof @LizinBali)#indonesia

SOFA Statistics: An Interview with developer Dr. Grant Paton-Simpson - #opensource #stats

Marcha por fotocopiado termina en zafarrancho en el Congreso - (really) fighting 4 right to photocopy (v @technollama)

#Opensource's secret ally: Moore's Law - another reason it is winning #linus #sequencing

Monsanto corn and cotton, an ‘attack to sovereignty’ in #Paraguay - #gm & #monsanto deeply meshed with politics

EP resolution from 2003 on patentability of computer-implemented inventions - powerful stuff, worth remembering #swpats

#Facebook Stock Falls Back Below $20 - how are the mighty fallen #ipo

'Underpaid' Microsoft CEO Ballmer sees pay slip 4% to $1.32 million - expensive at half the price...

Got a strong neck? This hands-free video phone is for you! - stylish...not

Vatican, How about Some #Corruption Trials? - yeah, Benny, how about it?

RSA 2012: Art Coviello – Privacy Advocates Use ‘Dangerous Reasoning’ - he's either stupid or dangerous - or both

Medicines for the World - "A global R&D treaty could boost innovation & improve the health of the world’s poor & rich."

Lionel Dricot (alias Ploum) candidat du Parti Pirate aux élections en Belgique - the more, the merrier #be

Show Doing Well On BitTorrent? We’ll Buy It, Says Media Giant - yes: #piracy is your best #marketresearch

Why will UK web supersnoop plan cost £1.8bn? That's a secret - translation: they pulled the figure out of the air

Videodoku Keynote 2: Glyn Moody’s “Before and after #ACTA” - the official feed...

why #ICANN is not fit for the purpose part 235487 [pdf] - bring back the geeks... #privacy (v @dozykraut)

Confirmed ACTA-like outrageous criminal sanctions in #CETA! - has the European Commission learned nothing from#ACTA?

#Verizon Now Monitors And Shares Your Web Surfing Information - yikes (v @chrisblizzard @dinomite)#privacy

We Talked to the Founder of the Swedish Pirate Party About America's Ongoing Infowar - (v @patrickmcguire @falkvinge)

Judge Calls #Copyright Troll's Bluff - bravo, judge 

Italian church to be stripped of tax exemption - big symbolically, if not economically (v @LifeinSicily @stephanfaris)

Txtr Beagle promises full eReader experience for under £10 - I presume #android-based - anyone know?

HTTPS Everywhere 3.0 - this is really worth getting#security #crypto

How Will #Drones Be Used? - interesting: claims only two likely uses

Piratenpartei: Online-Petition gegen #Leistungsschutzrecht vor dem Scheitern - come on, #germany, this is pathetic

ITC Administrative Law Judge Rejects Apple's FRAND Arguments Against Samsung - & so it goes on...

Singer Sarah Brightman books flight to space station - help boost women in tech...

Aktionstag am Samstag: Rote Karte für die #Vorratsdatenspeicherung - the happening place

Farm-fresh infringement: Can you violate a patent by planting some seeds? - raises important issues #monsanto

re last tweet, US Supreme Court has now agreed to hear case - hence it'sreally important now...

Spyware Leaves Trail to Beaten Activist Through Microsoft Flaw - great piece about folly of trusting MS sw (v @EthanZ)

Oyster gets $3M to become the Spotify of books - not sure about the name....

The Ten Petabyte Party - plus: "All of Balinese Literature now online" #internetarchive

Global Internet Users Need SOPA-PIPA Moment - is, more they're used, less they do... (v @mathewi)#wcit

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