Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 120930 - http://bit.ly/TZhUTd yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

Deutscher Juristentag: Juristen fordern Online-Durchsuchung und Vorratsdatenspeicherung - http://bit.ly/R6sGRX what lovely people

Freedom of Information to include ministers' private texts - http://bbc.in/V4Umf3important decision for UK #foi

After Extravagant "Bond" Party, Swedish Govt Classifies All Security Police Expenditures - http://bit.ly/QRmYD1 nothing to hide, of course

3D Printed Quad Copter - http://bit.ly/PR3f7v wow, #3dprinting meets #drones: pretty significant moment

Russia’s Yandex does inevitable, launches WebKit-powered Internet browser to stave off Google - http://tnw.co/OyFLHh no #gnu/linux version

Microsoft v. Motorola - The 9th Circuit Ct. of Appeals Ruling, as Text -http://bit.ly/QRnlgW shows why #frand is a disaster for standards

How a rogue appeals court wrecked the patent system - http://bit.ly/StLk93excellent history of CAFC; EU take note

#OpenSource Fear Mongering Is Ridiculous With The Advent Of Open APIs -http://tcrn.ch/QEggmF is #tibco getting desperate?

Anti-Downloading Law Hits Japan, Up To 2 Years in Prison From Today -http://bit.ly/V4XCa9 #japan goes insane; criminalises a generation

Чеченские провайдеры заблокировали доступ к видеохостингу YouTube -http://bit.ly/R6uEBV yeah, that's a proportionate response #chechnya

Wir veröffentlichen das geheime Gutachten, das strengere Gesetze gegen Abgeordnetenbestechung fordert - http://bit.ly/PFwfOt #corruption

#G4S named as smart card supplier to further education consortium -http://bit.ly/Ru0gU3 cos they did the olympics so well

Activists warned to watch what they say as social media monitoring is 'next big thing'  - http://ind.pn/PmqiEE well, quite (v @Asher_Wolf)

Counter-terrorism officer appears in court over 'leaks to News of the World' -http://bit.ly/QEzb0F (v @jmcest @Asher_Wolf)

From Windows Phone to patent troll: Microsoft Senior Attorney joins Acacia -http://tnw.co/QEzRmt no comment needed, really

A new approach to tackling #copyright infringement - http://bit.ly/ST1HgY UK now has a small claims track; important change

Verhagen eist kritische reactie EU op internettolweg - http://bit.ly/SgkXFyhands off #netneutrality (v @AdV007&@kaatje36)

Help the World's Forest - http://bit.ly/QiLDS0 uses #citizenscience#crowdsourcing to monitor patches of #forest across the globe; fun, too

EU Copyright Holders Cling To Old Levies, As New Ones Start To Appear On Cloud Storage - http://bit.ly/SY9wNe time to junk this absurdity

Former CIO of Swiss Intellectual Property Institute praises #opensource -http://bit.ly/QGsNWV nice #ch

#Microsoft to Launch Own News Operation Oct. 26 - http://on.mash.to/SukBJMthose that forget the past etc. etc. #msnbc

#Google Passes #Microsoft’s Market Value for First Time Ever -http://on.mash.to/RuOUz4 symbolism? you want symbolism?

#Ikea Caught Photoshopping Women Out of Its Saudi Arabian Catalog -http://gaw.kr/RuP6hG oh look, more symbolism...

Can We Kill The Myth That The #US Constitution Guarantees #Copyrights And#Patents? - http://bit.ly/UCdYCC great points

#Openness is Alive and Well (and Living in Europe) - http://bit.ly/SxWJAv well, we try #ofe2012

#Microsoft takes the wraps off TypeScript, a superset of #JavaScript -http://zd.net/Qj7atO how does it go? embrace, extend... (v @sbisson)

Police Drones: Unmanned Air Vehicles Could Monitor Protests, Riots & Traffic In UK - http://huff.to/QwQihJ kiss the skies goodbye (v @drones)

Crime Inc. Inc., The Business Of Hyping The #Piracy Threat -http://bit.ly/O0ZGgA sad & pathetic excuse for "journalism" #tv

Worth Noting: #AmandaPalmer's 'Free' Album Debuted At Number 10 On The Billboard Charts - http://bit.ly/PoNbr3 great to hear

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