Saturday, 6 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121004 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

The Philippines' New 'Cybercrime' Law Aims To 'Protect' Citizens By Going After Filesharing, Online Libel - v bad news

Kim Dotcom’s Gaming Lag Hints at New Spying Controversy - the saga continues

Code4Europe fellowships launched - cool: "to help make a breakthrough in how government services its citizens"

Johann Strauss II - The Complete Orchestral Edition - 60 hours of it – eeek

Judge asks for input over fate of orphaned Megaupload data - I'm sure we could make a few suggestions

Songkick Helps Fans Bring Their Favorite Musician To London - great story and example 

WIPO Moves To Fast-Track Treaty On Copyright Exceptions For Visually Impaired - limitations "burden on rights holders"

Making a Real Commons: Creative Commons should Drop the Non-Commercial and No-Derivatives Licenses - bravo #cc

German Pirate Party Makes Some Shockingly Unshocking Proposals For#Copyright Reform - have they lost the parrot?

Launch #Avaaz Daily Briefing - v interesting move if it happens #newspapers #publishing #activism

How the thermonuclear patent war would explode in Europe with the#unitarypatent - excellent, detailed exploration #eu

Misure urgenti per l’innovazione e la crescita: agenda digitale e startup - benissimo (v @DigitalAgendaEU @RyanHeathEU)

An open internet begins at home, Mr Hague! - quite (v @clarinette)#hypocrisy

MT @GeorgieBC Most amazing internet thing of 2012: The #CryptoPartyhandbook free PDF >>impressive (v @Asher_Wolf)

Emerging Countries Take Note: Big #Pharma's Losing Patent Battles In #India - end of an era?

Mau Mau #torture case: Kenyans win ruling against #UK - question of justice

#Labour must oppose #Snoopers’ Charter - fat chance given its appalling record on civil liberties (v @OpenRightsGroup)

Field Analyst, Open Technology Institute - to create#opensource mesh networks (v @rmack)

“Plurality”: An Amazing Short Film About #Surveillance In 2023 - recommended - do watch it:

Government says yes to Venture Capital fund dedicated to #Dalit entrepreneurs - interesting move #india

Big brother’s many tools - good summary of what's happening in #india

Why the ‘snooping’ Communications Data Bill will not pass through Parliament - good piece by lib MP (v @IsabelHardman)

The negative effects of increasing computerized #surveillance - some much-needed research on this area (v @raycorrigan)

Student Detained at Airport for Arabic Flashcards - war on flashcards? (v @Asher_Wolf @Privacyactivism)

#Mozilla Festival: Making, Freedom and the Web - good stuff happening in #london, 9-11 november #opensource

Why The MPAA Can't 'Win The Hearts And Minds' Of The Public: File Sharing Is Mainstream - get over it

Final approval of EU #orphanworks directive - boo, hiss#missedopportunity

Justice Department Educates Foreign Judges on Piracy Issues - aren't those poor old stupid foreign judges just lucky?

#Hackers use technology to fight #corruption - really important trend

CISPA Author Ramps Up The #FUD: Claims He Can't Sleep At Night Due To 'Unusual Source' Threatening Us - pathetic

The Unitary Patent back in the European Parliament on October, 11th 2012 - to contact your MEPs #swpats (v @nitot)

Jimmy Savile and Other Unpublished Scandals - Danger of Leveson Inquiry  - interesting analysis (v @newsbrooke)

#CETA Update: Copyright Deal Has Been Reached, Patents To Go To the Ministers - great: let us see it for comment, then

OpenIDEO - #openinnovation "to solve big challenges for social good." (v @EthanZ)

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