Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121015 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

600 days to go until European Elections in 2014: Why Pirate MEPs are needed in Brussels - good summary of achievements

If extreme weather becomes the norm, starvation awaits - not looking good #food #climate

Gary McKinnon extradition blocked by UK government - news; now let's see the same for #odwyer please...

Advertisers launch $1 million campaign to combat #privacy concerns - want us to be "thrilled & delighted" about spying

An Academic Study Of Connecting With Fans & Giving Them A Reason To Buy - will doubtless become common

Moore's Law: The rule that really matters in tech - nice complement to this:

Internet Governance World Meets in Toronto Amid New Domains Controversy - & that's putting it mildly #icann

Commission's Refusal to Block Revolving Door triggers Ombudsman Complaint - quite right, too #eu

Digital access to knowledge: Research chat with Harvard’s Peter Suber - good, gentle intro to #openaccess field

#Facebook R&D Goes Global: Opens Engineering Office In London, Its First Outside The U.S. - another win for #london

Polish Lower Silesia Region corrects procurement following complaint - this is why it's always worth complaining #pl

Google's new privacy policy: incomplete information & uncontrolled combination of data across services - official note

The Guardian launches n0tice 2.0, its community noticeboard lands on#Android - kudos: #opensource #newspapers

#Spotify eyes European expansion with Italy and Poland launch, according to new job postings - getting there

Excess Cancers and Deaths with #GM Feed: the Stats Stand Up - interesting analysis of the statistics involved

You made this mess, you clean it up: JURI pass the buck to Council to resolve the deadlock on the #unitarypatent - #eu

Sixth best museum restaurant in the world – and it’s here in Lambeth - well, there you go #london

EDRi response to EU #netneutrality cons. - why does this read like 2007? - indeed; response a masterpiece of its kind

A great tradition of open justice - but for how long? say "no" to secret trials in #UK

Disunion and anti-Europeanism of the European Union with the #unitarypatent - interesting & important issues

Netzneutralität: Digitale Gesellschaft fordert EU-Kommission auf, Worten endlich Taten folgen zu lassen - yup

Canonical’s Plan for Fixing Unity Search - is it enough?#ubuntu

Open and Shut Justice - "The press court reporter is a watchdog of justice"

Digital River Loses Patent Suit Despite Doing What Was In Patent 2 Years Before It Was Filed - more patent absurdity

In #India#GM Crops Come at a High Price - higher costs, new pests, more pesticides...

Amazon's Bezos: Patent suits 'might start to stifle innovation' - now bezos wakes up to the dangers of patents

Citizen Journalist On Trial Over Self-Published Books About Environment - outrageous #china

Canada-EU Trade Agreement Replicates #ACTA’s Notorious Copyright Provisions - good summary from @EFF#CETA

"#ORCID provides persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher" - (v @researchremix)

Harvey Weinstein's 'Hang 'Em First' Approach To Piracy Hits All The Wrong Suspects - clueless

Dancing Baby Video Fight Heads Back To Court: Will A Bogus Takedown Finally Get Punished? - if it doesn't, it should

Microsoft's #Windows 8 a Turnoff for Some Corporate Users - this is the big question: is it too different?

Help Plant Trees In Ruskin Park, Lambeth - more trees, please... #london

Gesellschaft für Informatik: Memorandum zu Open-Government - momentum building #de #ogov

What Canada stands to lose in the war on science - really disappointed in #canada here...

Easy. Fast. Reliable. Introducing the Go!SCAN 3D. - soon to be illegal in a jurisdiction near you...?

Video: Introducing #webOS - the Android app - bit of a come-down, but makes sense

EU: Feed kids, not cars -- 24 hours left! - time to bin the useless biofuels initiative #epetition

Patent activists: Let's light up Intellectual Ventures' IP portfolio - great idea: "patent" means "not hidden"....

#Transparency International statement on Commissioner Dalli’s resignation - important case #corruption #lobbying

Sierra Leone 'pirate' fishing boats sell catches in EU - investigating & stamping out

Thousands of UK protestors demand Google censor anti-Islam video - disappointing

How Were Western Experts "Blindsided" By Georgia's Widespread Poverty? - important question #ge

A guide to Europe’s tech hubs - useful run-down

Meet a science committee that doesn't get science -; depressing #antiscience

New Music 20x12 -  v interesting stuff #uk #spotify

TPP Negotiations Present Far More Questions Than Answers - good points: not much in it for #canada (v @mgeist)

Warnung: Politische Krise bringt Primaten an Rand des Aussterbens - deeply worrying

[RT] Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121015 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

Checking Back in on OpenStand - "I’m pleased to say that I’ve signed on" to OpenStand principles: interesting...

Master Keys - great post about security dilemmas from Bruce Schneier

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