Friday, 19 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121017 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

WIPO SCCR meets on copyright exceptions 4 disabilities - "major US objective to exclude persons who are deaf": shameful

Ubuntu Users To Get To Vote With Their Wallets In Support Of New Features - good idea/bad idea?

Leg dich nicht mit dem Muezzin an - "Sie wollen Selbstzensur." #tr

FOI Requests: Do You Know about Your Right to Know? - research

NGOs denounce 'culture of secrecy' in EU chemicals agency - European Chemicals Agency is a joke

Not the Runty Raccoon, the Rufflered Rhino or (even) the Randall Ross - "Raring Ringtail"? hmm, unimpressed #ubuntu

Realpolitik 201 - frighteningly plausible: "‘anti-terrorist’ no-civil-rights legal regime, militarized police forces"

Google Summer of Code: 55 million lines of code released since 2005 - nice work #opensource

OSI and OSHWA Sign Agreement - so no more squabbling...

Twitter Uses Country-Specific Blocking Powers For The First Time To Restrict Neo-Nazi Account In Germany - interesting

US military gets into the 3D printing business - they'd be mad not to

Meteoric Growth of #LibreOffice on Display - great news

British subpoenas blocked - interesting case

School of Open builds curriculum at Creative Commons meeting - "meaning and impact of “openness” in the digital age"

First life may have survived by cooperating - see? sharing goes right back to the beginning of life...

“Gang War” Trial Bias Court Ruling Gives Pirate Bay Fresh Hope Of Re-Trial - important development

EU Commission forces crisis-hit countries to privatise water - scandalous abuse of people's misery to push agenda

‘Secrecy’ in the Court of Protection - never heard of this before...

Open-Access Journal Experiment Begins Publishing Articles - important moves #elife #oa

Court in the net - how can we make the legal system transparent?

Civil Society Warnings About IPR Provisions in the Canada-EU Trade Agreement - policy-launderers at work #ceta

Pigs Fly As Open Science Comes To Big Pharma - a watershed? we shall see... #opendata

UK’s four biggest mobile operators form joint venture to speed up #4G rollout - let's see how works in practice

'environmental Taliban': Osborne slams Parl. climate change campaigners - reframing as terrorism (v @GeorgeMonbiot) 

The Apache Software Foundation Announces #Apache #OpenOffice as a Top-Level Project - that's good

A Very Unusual Camera That Emphasizes Time Over Space - rather wonderful (v @stshank)

Another Big Loss For Nokia In Q3: $754M Operating Loss, Only 2.9M Lumias Sold As It Waits On WP8 Launch - so it goes on

#AU High Court and the Marlboro Man: the plain packaging decision - hugely important: kudos to court (v @suigenerisjen)

#Australia Announces Review of Pharmaceutical #Patents - v interesting move

After India, Now #Indonesia Introduces Patent Licenses For #Generic Versions Of Drugs - interesting times in #pharma

Announcing the OpeningParliament blog! - widening the dialogue (v @DanSwislow)#ogov #opendata

Memo From Tina Brown to All Staff Re: Newsweek’s Digital Future - obvious for the last 15 years (v @carlzimmer)

Sanitary towel firm's 'CEO' sets traumatised man straight - to #bodyform: this is how it's done...

In Germany, taming the web - quick sketch of digital activism there #de

Crime in England and Wales falls 6% - still 545 murders in one year: must try harder...

Saving Rhino Phila – A Genre-Busting Documentary on the Massacre of a Species - heart-wrenching stuff #conservation

Max Planck publishes Top 12 Reasons why the unitary patent proposals might prove "disastrous" - count 'em (v @zoobab)

A look at the #Bitcoin network transaction history -"current version of payment system not working as intended"

#Nutella Nastygrams Restaurant Promoting Its Product, Opens The Door For Competitors - leaves bad taste in mouth...

Cost of #badger cull may force U-turn - "each culled badger carries a bounty on its head"; absurd waste of money

Rooting and flashing your device does not void the warranty in EU - rather important decision, I think

There Are 250,000 Active Patents That Impact Smartphones; Representing 1 In 6 Active Patents Today - thicket thickens

The really cheap #Android tablets are coming - cheap as in $50; and it won't stop there...

The biggest bad news for Google: Motorola’s $527M Q3 operating loss kneecapped its earnings - still a good move?

Dutch Propose Powers For Police To Break Into Computers, Install Spyware & Destroy Data -- Anywhere In The World - nuts

If You Explain Many Ways That Artists Can Make Money Outside Of Copyright, You're Against Artists Getting Paid -

UK's year of drought and flooding unprecedented, experts say - & no one saw it com- oh, wait...

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