Friday, 12 October 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121010 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD 

UK website taken down by spurious copyright complaint regarding UK ultra-right groups - more copyright abuse

Canadian DJ's New Album Comes With Cardboard Turntable That Plays Included 3-Track Bonus Disc - neat

#Ecuador seeks annulment of international court ruling in Occidental case - "equivalent to education budget for a year"

Macedonian Internet Blackout - "government is considering a law that can cause #censorship" (v @maykelmoya)#mk

EU, US companies push for ‘realistic’ transatlantic trade deal - watch out for #ACTA ideas to creep back with this

Rape victim fights off demand for Facebook, computer records - appalling move, bad precedent

Micromax Taking Bigger Android Bets. Expect Fireworks This Diwali - interesting moves in #india

Court rules book scanning is fair use, suggesting Google Books victory - looks potentially big

The OGP at Year One: Off the Ground - So Where Next? -"still in its infancy. How much it will do is still unclear."

The French Pigeons Are Revolting -- And That's Good -, please #france

#Share or Die: Forward - "wealth is more than money, connectedness is at the core of community"

I’m Finished With Apple - lock-in explained

Hell freezes over, and in other news from the IGF Secretariat... - baby steps (v @qirtaiba)

South African Consumers win GM labelling victory - take note...

Op-Ed: Prepare for Windows 8 induced user rage - could be fun to watch...

.@NeelieKroesEU on the Do Not Track fiasco - US cos: "if you want to track Europeans, you have to play by our rules."

Linux Foundation #UEFI Secure Boot System for Open Source - well done; now, can we move on please?

If I Fly a UAV Over My Neighbor's House, Is It Trespassing? - a question that will be asked more & more #drones

The story of #Nokia #MeeGo - definitive history of a sad, sad saga (v @popey)#linux

WIPO Assemblies Approve Copyright Exceptions Roadmap for the Visually Impaired - thinking about possibly doing it

Six digital questions every council chief should ask - stuff #ogov

Yes, Network Effects Are a Problem for Open Formats - no surprise, but unfortunate

Australian Government Censors Draft Snooping Laws - contempt for its citizens #au

Open Humanities Hack, 21st-22nd November - "research-driven experimentation with existing Humanities data sets"

MT @PostActa#España Editoriales mienten a los niños con propaganda anti-piratería en sus libros de texto. >>pathetic

#Debt as power - intriguing analysis (v @mbauwens)

"we have not seen a single email supporting the draft Communications Data Bill" - joint committee on CDB (v @webmink)

Snooper's Charter: 19,000 Emails Against, 0 In Favour - the score of submissions to the parliamentary committee #uk

UK Hands Out Tax Breaks For 'Using' Patents - from the exactly wrong department

Megaupload Wants Charges Dropped, Points Out Judge Failure - what a saga

YouTube's Top 1,000 Channels Reveal An Industry Taking Shape - oh yes #posttv

Experts urge UK government to protect freedom of information law - hands off our FOI

Trolls filed 40% of patent infringement lawsuits in 2011 - so this is the patent system working? 

Resistance grows to EU-Canada trade deal - as it should: would be disaster for #ca #ceta

Corruption and insecurity in Central America: There are no solutions without transparency - not much, but all we've got

Software Patents: 50 Years of Circuitous Artifices - deceit and trickery, in other words #swpats

A big win for fair use and libraries - "a comprehensive win for the libraries and for the important public interest"

Big Pharma Incentives Are Out of Whack: Why We Need an X-Prize for Drugs - yes, we need this #patents

#Orange in France uses DPI - wow, that's bad in so many ways #netneutrality (v @jerezim)

Contribution of #opensource to Europe's economy: 450 billion euros per year - nice work by @cdaffara

Appeals Court Reverses Sales Ban on Samsung Smartphone - there you go (v @howardknopf)

Music streaming Simfy kills its free service in Belgium, blaming excessive royalty fees - as elsewhere

#UK Continues To Criminalize Bad Taste And Stupidity In Online Postings - couldn't we all just grow up instead?

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