Why The Chances of #China
Joining ACTA Or TPP Are Practically Zero - http://bit.ly/wFHEWG
thus rendering #ACTA
The problem with software patents? They
don't scale - http://bit.ly/ySYr8W
18th cent. ideas don't work for 21st cent materials #swpats
As promised, Wikimedia Foundation
starts to say goodbye to Go Daddy - http://tnw.co/xzIGSJ
good move
Time out for Finland in ratifying #ACTA
- http://bit.ly/A5WuI8 only
sensible at this point (v @RalfGrahn @StopActaNow)
Leaked: Police Plan to Raid The Pirate
Bay - http://bit.ly/w1Rgoc good
luck with that
Remembering #Colossus,
the world’s first programmable electronic computer -
http://bit.ly/Am1a3j as we jolly
well should #uk
The Research Works Act (RWA): why
Scientific Publishing needs FOSS Methods - http://bit.ly/zV7CAi
lots of good links on #openaccess
et al.
12 reasons you know you are a #BigData
biologist - http://bit.ly/zqvtOb
wise & witty piece about reality of big data in #genomics
- "making it easier for citizens to hold public officials
accountable"; interesting move, in theory at least #us
This Tiny Feature Could Keep #Pinterest
From Getting Sued For Massive #Copyright
Infringement - http://bit.ly/xdRcSq
hmm... (v @howardknopf)
Wirbel um EU-Richtlinie zu verwaisten
Werken - http://bit.ly/xOk633 good
to see more people asking questions about this #orphanworks
Rechteindustrie traurig:
Grundrechtsabbau ist nicht populär - http://bit.ly/x6gPj4
hilarious; these people really are utterly clueless
Wealth Destroyers and End Game for the
Copyright Modernization Act (Bill C-51) - http://bit.ly/xrYZHf
good debunking at end (v @mgeist)
Thinking About #Drones
- http://bit.ly/AwlV0X don't miss
the drones building a brick wall...
Fedora Remix, our recommended distro, is ready for download! -
http://bit.ly/z9ajMg actual kit,
not so much
DoJ warning means one thing: E-book
prices are coming down - http://bit.ly/xhK7lV
about time, too #ebooks
Government use of #Ubuntu
- http://bit.ly/y7UXbv good to see
Mr Shuttleworth thinking about this
Speculative invoicing 2: Golden Eye in
court - http://bit.ly/ziKx17
important UK case
GERB promised not to ratify #ACTA
in parliament - http://bit.ly/wR5NKi
not clear what this means in practice (v @StopActaNow)
How Big Music Companies Are Stealing
Hundreds Of Millions In Royalties From Artists - http://bit.ly/zIcJnp
outrageous - as usual
On the privacy elements of the BT,
TalkTalk DEA loss in the Court of Appeal - http://bit.ly/zpgTQ7
good point about scale #deact
Apple begins using OpenStreetMap data,
to OSM Foundation's surprise - http://bit.ly/Ai3jtW
NSA, German government using #Android
for secure phones - http://bit.ly/yjg5NC
the power of openness
and access to medicines: flawed process, rationale and agreement -
http://bit.ly/xCOME5 good analysis
of why #ACTA will
kill people
The New York Times joins Mozilla and
Knight Foundation to drive open innovation in news -
http://bit.ly/wDJvlH #journalism
Google is globally switching its search
to HTTPS by default - http://bit.ly/w1Z9sS
others ought to follow
Why Google’s Plan To Make Maps Pay
For Itself Could Backfire - http://tcrn.ch/xRRFKr
someone else wakes up to unbeatable power of sharing
The case for dolphin rights -
http://bit.ly/xbf1uT "if
corporations can be people, my friends, why not dolphins?" quite
US Government Admits It Has Seized
Hundreds Of Domains Registered Outside The US - http://bit.ly/zPUKLL
has been doing it for years
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