pic of the week: Moody
Clacton Pier - http://bit.ly/pq6Q2c
with a title like that, how could I resist? #pix
Milkymist and #Arduino
– a Workshop - http://bit.ly/pC6p8U
more fab #openhardware
Why I'm a #philanthropy
wonk - http://bit.ly/qCdUWS
interesting historical perspective
Movie Institute Feels
Pain Of IP Address-Only #Piracy ‘Evidence’ - http://bit.ly/r8fhFk
well, everyone else does, why not them?
#Faroe Islands #Whaling
Photos, Chinese Netizen Reactions - http://bit.ly/qbEfW0
justified outrage at barbaric Westerners...
Why does it cost
$20,000 a year to subscribe to a science journal? -
http://on.io9.com/q7P8cK good
question, to which no good answer #oa
RT @jamie_love Thomson
Reuters tells WIPO it claims a database copyright in court opinions
and statutes >>typical abuse of monopoly
Culturomics -
http://bit.ly/qA1rBg "library
of the future will contain all books & magazines & newspapers
(& blogs) completely hyperlinked"
Governments should stay
close when engaging #opensource groups - http://bit.ly/p53ZMv
sounds wise
200 things I love about
#London - http://bit.ly/noip1x fab
post: took the (200) words right out of my mouth
Humans colonised Asia
in two waves - http://bit.ly/rcZUNs
I just love this stuff #genomics #anthropology
Mozillians as inventors
- http://bit.ly/omrc95
"#Mozilla-style, tinkerish invention should be a central part of
the learning programs"
RespectMyNet: Name and
Shame Operators' Attempts to Control the Net - http://bit.ly/r1QQS0
interesting move: will it help? #netneutrality
Brit ISPs shift toward
rapid pirate website blocking - http://bit.ly/rf6LH5 this is foolish:
it's a slippery slope they shouldn't go down
#CIA Says
Global-Warming Intelligence Is ‘Classified’ -
http://bit.ly/mU1iG6 this people
really need to grow up
Yoof survey: 'Internet
as vital as air' - http://bit.ly/qhj43r
which makes #3strikes equivalent to asphyxiation
Europeana adopts new
data exchange agreement, all metadata to be published under CC0 -
http://bit.ly/qZgt6q it's a start
Appeals Court
Arbitrarily Deciding What Is And What's Not Patentable -
http://bit.ly/pUhFqg clear sign of
a broken, unworkable system
13 #Firefox Add-Ons To
Enhance Your Google+ Experience - http://read.bi/pfDOCh
anyone use these to link #twitter to G+? (v @matthiasdaues)
An Interesting Software
#Liability Proposal - http://bit.ly/pX7Dee
this would be great for free software...
please!" is rather a good slogan...perhaps we should start using
OSS Please! -
http://bit.ly/pZuyW8 we need a
concerted campaign to get the UK to use open source; here's the
slogan/hashtag: #ossplease
http://chzb.gr/pRRa8J now with
extra added kitteh #ossplease
Labels Dropping Out Of
Spotify Are Totally Missing The Point - http://bit.ly/nqAcQT
#spotify, like #piracy, is about #marketing
The problems of a buddy
hotline to Ministers - http://bit.ly/piBz7g
insane: super-lobbying is anti-transparency and pro-corruption #uk
Poisoned peregrine
falcons prompt RSPB reward offer - http://bit.ly/o8qAJF
seems that scum is not just found on Cornish beaches...
FBI Continues Crackdown
on Cybercrime With Two Arrests - http://on.mash.to/qloIwV
2 arrests is a crackdown? come on...
Scientists Turn Brain’s
Visual Memories into a Mind-Blowing Video - http://on.mash.to/p037pA
can demands for copyright licences be far behind?
FT Web-based app more
popular than #app sold in Apple store - http://reut.rs/q11qf4
hopeful sign #html5
Turning Digital Natives into Digital Citizens - http://bit.ly/r8desB yes, much more please (v @copyrightgirl @ArtistsRights @Copycense
The Facebook template: when net freedom meets market forces - http://bit.ly/phhe6t maybe the odd mention of #freesw would be clueful here
#Oracle wants $1.16 billion in damages from #Google - http://zd.net/reVXfs going down; now pretty affordable (v @sjvn)
We the People - new US epetitions site on whitehouse.gov - http://bit.ly/pcIpJ6 some wacky suggestions there already...
Can The US Chamber Of Commerce Lobby For PROTECT IP Without Being So Blatantly Intellectually Dishonest? - http://bit.ly/ptnK1N er, no?
E.U. Sets 2013 Deadline for Open Source Public Data Mining Portal - http://rww.to/plRhia can't wait #opendata #ogov #eu
$10 Settlement Offers: The Entertainment Industry's New #Copyright Tactic - http://bit.ly/pvvY4E now, isn't that fascinating?
Time running out for “paradise” - http://bit.ly/nj7dfk we give trillions for wars, but can't even find $60 million for this? we're sick...
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