Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130324 - http://bit.ly/YP9daq yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Mexico Envisions Nafta-EU Trade Agreement, Foreign Minister Says -http://bloom.bg/13pXBTE mega-#TAFTA confirmed (v @PostActa)#IPout

.@sinkdeep points out that the proposed mega-#TAFTA including #canada &#mexico is leading us towards #trademageddon....

"#NAFTA privileged commercial agriculture, & small farmers were basically abandoned" - http://bit.ly/11BIyS7 #TAFTA will make things worse

The #Snoopers’ Charter: we need a new consultation - http://bit.ly/107uBIW 1st-rate letter to Home Office #surveillance #UK (v @ralpost)

Neuer Streit um Open-Source-Migration in Berlin - http://bit.ly/YscN0V usual#FUD being thrown around #de

New Zealand Gave Kim Dotcom Residency, Knowing He Was Wanted By FBI -http://bit.ly/YPbjac yet more weird stuff

#Tarsands oil pipeline bill advances in Vermont Senate, in spite of warning from industry - http://bit.ly/X7cCXE more sabre-rattling

Renewed push for free software in German states of Berlin and Lower Saxony -http://bit.ly/16cmJuW more on these moves

The #Nokia Patents and #VP8 - Prior Art Hunting Time - http://bit.ly/11BMNgjhelp needed

"this could be the ultimate #lobbying exercise" - http://bit.ly/ZkcLVq why we must have transparency for #TAFTA (v @PostActa)#opendrafts

A Free Trade Agreement between the EU and Japan - http://bit.ly/15KyMNO#TPP#TAFTA, now this: #trademageddon approacheth... (v @DrRimmer)

Censorship at Guántanamo: Thoughts and Memories Don't Belong to the Government - http://bit.ly/ZOXRXg denying the right to remember: sick

Corporations hold Europe captive - http://bit.ly/ZOZHrb disgraceful contempt for the EU public from @BarrosoEU(v @olivierhoedeman) 

CMU, NSA search for student hackers - http://bit.ly/X7gjNc as @Asher_Wolf notes, bringing yourself to attention of NSA hardly seems wise

EU FTA, TRIPS plus could hit Indian generic drug makers -http://bit.ly/1021Tum could? that's part of the point

#Apple v #Samsung, or #FRAND, Japanese-style - http://bit.ly/Zl6Dw6interesting perspective here

Citizen journalism at work: Unemployed British man becomes Syrian weapons expert - http://bit.ly/YCWAA0 sign of the times

Announcing #Firefox OS App Workshops - http://mzl.la/ZPFZvh in
Madrid, Bogotá, Warsaw & Beyond; great (v @nitot)

Spanish Government Bows Down To US Pressures Again, Pushes #SOPA-LikeLaw To Appease Hollywood - http://bit.ly/11CLkGK pathetic #spain

Stop bad 3D printing patents - http://bit.ly/YD0c4W says Mr #RepRap 

The Press Complaints Commission has set down ground rules on reporting West Bank settlements - http://bit.ly/14jcQx0 unusual discussion

The Great "Cyber" Con - http://bit.ly/YA00Xh "cybersecurity"? "cyberthreat"? time to call bluff of governments using this risible epithet

MiiPC is an $89 #Android-powered family computer - http://bit.ly/Znmzuv first of many?

The case of the [non-GM] poison potato - http://bit.ly/1088uCc why we need rigorous food safety tests however food is produced #gm

Guns don't offer protection – whatever the National Rifle Association says -http://bit.ly/11DpBC2 some scientific studies (v @bengoldacre)

Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss -http://bit.ly/XC2wsJ Denialist Roulette: how bad does it have to get?

#China signals its pivot on Asean - http://bit.ly/108AYvC useful analysis #TPP

One in five French bottled waters 'contain drugs or pesticides' -http://bit.ly/14qeeyf another food safety failure in #EU

Petition Submitted To Require Congress To Wear The Logos Of Their Corporate Donors - http://bit.ly/YaVajV a truly splendid idea

Google partners with journalists in Ghana on local contents & revenue -http://bit.ly/X5t6Pa becoming more common (v @africatechie)

Hokkaido predicts #TPP will halve output of farm, forestry and fishery products - http://bit.ly/ZQM2Qo that's not going to be popular...

New US-EU talks threatened by agriculture spats - http://bit.ly/ZQNEcG #gmlikely to be a big issue for #TAFTA #IPout #opendrafts

#Openaccess and the humanities: reimagining our future - http://bit.ly/ZnMH8wit's inevitable...

Hidden GM Animal Feed From the UK Food Chain - http://bit.ly/11E0pHZinteresting, er, pie chart...

Newly Implemented Korean #FairUse and the 3 Step Test -http://bit.ly/11E2p2V important hybrid approach #kr #copyright

France Not Eager for U.S.-Europe Trade Agreement - http://nyti.ms/13rrNOqmore obstacles to #TAFTA #IPout #opendrafts (v @PostActa)

The List Of Government Agencies That Can Get Your Data Under #CISPA -http://bit.ly/YuDQsr is this what you want, Usians?

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