Saturday, 2 March 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130228 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Court rules against Dotcom in extradition fight - that's unfortunate

Shark fin-hungry #China drives "chaotic" fishing in #Indonesia - terrible slaughter 

Fund in Niedersachsen: Tausende Tonnen verseuchtes Futtermittel entdeckt - look, another food scandal #transparency

MIT releases #opensource software that reveals invisible motion and detail in video - nice

Deep Dive: Software Patents and the Rise of Patent Trolls - only solution is abolition #swpats

To Boycott or Not to Boycott - a whine about the #elsevierboycott that shows it's working... #openaccess

Are Big Banks a Bunch of Organized Criminal Conspiracies? - the facts say yes; break them up

PressBooks Goes #OpenSource To Let Authors Create Book Sites In Seconds - good to see #wordpress

correction: MIT video sw not #opensource - MT @Codepope covered by a patent and contract - #fail

PhUSE creates #opensource repository for clinical trial research - @bengoldacre will be pleased #alltrials

Exposé of French Academy of Sciences hatchet job on #Seralini - French Academy behaving badly #france

Welsh charity saves an area of rainforest the size of Wales - nice, but: "could not guarantee would stop logging"

US-Europe free trade pact won't affect TPP: US - it will:#TAFTA will be played off against #TPP to get worst of both

Online Polish Loses Some Of Its Polish - if you know what I mean #pl

Call for Evidence: Digital government - "opportunities to make better use of technology in public sector" (v @dml) 

Former British citizens killed by drone strikes after passports revoked - this barbarism where "war on terror" leads

A decisive year for #foodsafety in the EU? Campaign update - NB: really important things happening here

#Spain Considers Making Digital #Copyright Law Worse: Pleasing The US Again? - because #leysinde wasn't enough

Stop #ICANN's Plans for Closed Generic Domains - pl. defend the #openweb: write telling them to drop this daft idea

Wert cederá a las presiones de EEUU y endurecerá la Ley #Sinde esta primavera - pathetic (v @juanjo2912)#spain

First SOPA, Now Your Privacy: Facebook, Google Flex Lobbying Muscle in Europe - our privacy (v @olivierhoedeman)

From #opendata to a culture of #openness - interesting perspective from #india

The Scholarly Kitchen Challenges me over STM PDFs; I’d like your help - @petermurrayrust needs a hand...

Brazilian schoolgirl threatened with death for Facebook page exposing school problems - such bravery (v @Asher_Wolf)

Another important privacy vote in the European Parliament - since the last one went badly, pl. help #dataprotection

Boston Dynamics unveils brick-hurling robot monster - privatised police using these against demonstrators...

How effective are blocking orders against torrent sites? - analysis of the judge's logic, which cited Alexa...

WikiLeaks & hacktivists should not be labelled as threat to US trade - important point, dangerous trend (v @jerezim)

Bradley Manning provides more evidence of why we need a media entity like WikiLeaks - indeed

[RT] #Spain Considers Making Digital #Copyright Law Worse: Pleasing The US Again? - because #leysinde wasn't enough

Ofcom’s plans to promote ‘participation’, but whose and in what? - time to put the public in public policy

Smartphone game to aid cancer cure search - this will become more common, I think

Here Comes #ACTA: Canadian Government Introduces Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Compliance Bill - wow

Where has "author" gone in Copyright? a Coda - missing point: this is about sharing creativity to beget creativity

Italian government ditches #transparency and #opendata - vergogna #it

Οι μαθήτες πεινάνε - this can't go on.... #greece (v @slutrix)

German Newspaper 'Snippet' Law Passes: Watered Down, But Still Stupid - </facepalm> #copyright #de

Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - clueless: #economistwrites about 4 #opensource phones without mentioning fact once

the Linux Advocates site needs some help - #linux#advocacy

Judge slashes Apple’s court win against Samsung by $450 million - never a dull moment

USTR To #Canada: 'Bow Down And Accept #ACTA!' Canada: 'Yes, We Shall Do Your Bidding' - sad

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