Open Source Science - http://bit.ly/sZriQW
it's the future #sciencecodemanifesto
The term "shanzhai" literally
means a fortified mountain village, and originally meant those places
in China that were outside government control, and hence not subject
to its law. Today, by extensio...
cotton yield may fall to 5-year low - http://bit.ly/sIcfgE
so how's that Bt cotton revolution coming along? #gm
#Newzbin Judge: studios have asked
other ISPs to voluntarily block, circumstances may be different for
each ISP - http://bit.ly/utiyOg bad
EU executive proposes tougher
disclosure for mining & logging cos - http://bit.ly/sDvfgK
about time #corruption
Orphans: Visualizing a Sad History of Support - http://bit.ly/tuaXZe
interesting: #google
must sort this (v @robinwauters)
Would Create The Great Firewall Of America - http://bit.ly/tMVFwx
they really want to break the Net
Intellectual Property in #ACTA
and the #TPP:
Lessons Not Learned - http://bit.ly/sVS8tb
great analysis; why TPP is worse (v @gnat)
UK accused of stalling EU tar sands
regulation - http://bit.ly/v5o6tk
so what about those "green" aspirations, Dave...? #shameful
Iran Outlaws #VPNs
Or Any Other Attempt To Get Around Filters - http://bit.ly/tjsaOw
how long before western nations follow suit
Literary Magazines Struggle with
Submission Fees For Writers - http://onforb.es/rpsqTz
adopting the #openaccess
Give unwanted fish to the poor, says EU
fisheries chief - http://bit.ly/veiZyD
fisheries policy is an outrage; at least she's trying...
Revised EPO Patent For Conventional
Broccoli Has Public Interest Ramifications - http://bit.ly/slycnZ
#EPO out of
control - abolish it
Forget Lumia for a second, #Nokia’s
Asha phones could change the game in #Asia
- http://tnw.co/uC6OZH good
The War Between the States (to
Subsidize Hollywood), Part 3: The Revenge of Swamp Shark -
http://bit.ly/tCu0m4 fascinating -
& unbelievable
Yes, Google "Stole" From
Apple, And That's A Good Thing - http://onforb.es/u4R25g
nicely done #patents
E-PARASITES' Sponsor, Lamar Smith, Was
Against Massive Regulatory Compliance The Day Before He's For It -
http://bit.ly/tqRKTr bonkers
PETA Files Whale Slavery Lawsuit
Against SeaWorld - http://gaw.kr/vvDKI9
brilliant move
Tell Us What You've Done Initiative -
Pilot Study Results - http://bit.ly/umeorQ
not good #transparency
Erik #Satie:
Complete Chronological Catalogue - http://bit.ly/uH5dbs
fact: I organised a 24-hour performance of "Vexations"
Watch Out MAFIAA, Antibiotics Don’t
Work On Viral Pirates - http://bit.ly/rNKXo4
nice little metaphor there...
Amazon reveals its patent lawsuits are
on the rise - http://bbc.in/uLrC8x
of course: successful company, ergo sued (v @fosspatents)
Jay Walker Continues Quest To Sue The
Internet Into Oblivion With #Patents
- http://bit.ly/teEY9G the madness
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