Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130609 - http://bit.ly/1bmXeaV yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD and what a day it was

Hong Kong Baffled by #Snowden’s Hideout Choice - http://on.wsj.com/18lZFhS some local analysis (v @ChinaBizWatch)#prism

Code name ‘Verax’: Snowden, in exchanges with Post reporter, made clear he knew risks - http://wapo.st/12Av91z shows why #WaPo is now a joke

Republicans call for #Snowden to be extradited - http://bit.ly/18m13B2 and so it begins #prism

#NSA-Whistleblower Edward #Snowden: “Ich will nicht in so einer Welt leben” - http://bit.ly/19fxMr9 #prism

Edward #Snowden in Hong Kong - http://bit.ly/1bmZWgL more thoughts on the issues here (v @ggreenwald)

Questions for the UK after #PRISM #NSA #GCHQ revelations - http://bit.ly/18Zw5eT which certainly won't be answered today, if ever...

Why didn't tech company leaders blow the whistle? - http://stanford.io/14rvWjb this is the problem (v @winjer)#prism

Post PRISM, India’s ISP Association wants Google, Facebook to setup local servers - http://bit.ly/11C4cY3 EU must demand separate cos.

Statement regarding involvement of IMMI in Edward #Snowden asylum request - http://bit.ly/11C5ulP (v @newsbrooke)#is

The true face of Turkey - http://bit.ly/18ma7Wq "they demonstrate how little respect Turkey has for fundamental rights and freedoms today."

How to wiretap Cloud [pdf] - http://bit.ly/18mdlsZ must-read background on why & how EU data is completely vulnerable to US (v @asteris)

The European response to PRISM must be protecting privacy - http://bit.ly/ZEslwv an huge opportunity we must use #dataprotection

Secrecy and Freedom - http://nyti.ms/104Q7nR wow, is Posner really this naive and/or stupid? #prism (v @privacyint)

#Arduino donations and values for a growing ecosystem based on #opensource - http://bit.ly/11CiZCc lots of good stuff

"GCHQ and NSA share all intelligence, as do the CIA and MI6" - http://bit.ly/13x3njg from someone who has reason to know #prism

Commission accused of putting foxes in charge of the hen house when tackling tax dodging - http://bit.ly/18ZOZ5t how to alienate EU public

Cut Off by Spelling Reform - http://bit.ly/104Xxri this is why we must never reform English spelling #linguistics

U.S. surveillance row washes up on Pacific allies' shores - http://yhoo.it/13x51Sb unavoidable questions #prism #au #nz

Time for Europe to stop being complicit in NSA's crimes - http://bit.ly/17C4nXC yup, get rid of all these: #safeharbour #swift #pnr

Kim Dotcom wants the EU to fund a Prism-less Google alternative - http://bit.ly/113PbP4 nice idea; make it distributed, too... (v @teirdes)

Red Hat Innovation Awards - http://red.ht/1645NXK & the winner is...Booz Allen.  you see? it's not all bad news for them... #snowden

RT @michaelsavage GCHQ acted within the law at all times, says Theresa May. #NSA>> wow, I'm just so amazed she said that #prism

Hong Kong might have no choice but to protect #Snowden - http://bit.ly/19hd622 interesting possibility (v @ioerror)

#Snowden's secret - http://bit.ly/11qYSTi I'm surprised this hasn't been noted more...

Prism scandal: European commission to seek privacy guarantees from US - http://bit.ly/ZF4sVx "raise concerns" not enough: action needed

For web users around the world, everything is different now - http://bit.ly/18nXF8C basically, we can no longer trust US Net cos: now what?

Yes, NSA surveillance should worry the law-abiding - http://bit.ly/11uKBpB good debunking of "nothing to hide, nothing to fear" nonsense

How Does #Prism Change the Way We See Things? - http://bit.ly/1boGuA0 a few thoughts based on 4 days' leaks (is it just 4 days?) #nsa

“There is complete freakout mode at the agency right now” - http://thebea.st/15R1GgM for anyone who still doubts veracity of #snowden's leak

#Tpp favors corporate rights over citizens’ rights [pdf] - http://bit.ly/15R2dPV

 #NHS 111 providers continue to miss call targets - http://bit.ly/1boRGNa outrageous waste of money

Civil society groups express concern to Culture Secretary about online content restrictions - http://bit.ly/11CZMQX anger more appropriate

Index condemns mass surveillance - http://bit.ly/13S5SvI "stand by the EU’s position against mass surveillance" #prism #nsa

Protection needed for Prism #whistleblower Edward #Snowden - http://bit.ly/17CNhJg say it loud #prism

#NSA 'offers intelligence to British counterparts to skirt UK law' - http://bit.ly/12fWAfQ UK gov playing with words, but lying as usual

"#Snowden only wanted to communicate securely using PGP encryption" - http://huff.to/13v7Hhr fascinating background (v @asteris @mmhastings)

Apelo à AR para correção do #DRM - http://bit.ly/12gqbpt "portuguese citizens contact PS, PSD and CDS and demand them to pass them" #pt

Remember When SCOTUS Rejected Review Of FISA Amendments Act, 'cos Was 'Too Speculative' Plaintiffs Being Monitored? - bit.ly/19YM1zz

Thames Water pays no corporation tax on £1.8bn turnover - http://bit.ly/106LOZd time to re-nationalise this disgrace

"phone and internet records are being scanned for patterns" - http://ti.me/19YOppS those patterns are called "life", you twit (v @declanm)

"It is foreigners, potentially UK citizens in the UK, who are the targets of programmes like #Prism." - http://bit.ly/16Y2EfY this

Is The Bigger Concern NSA Getting Phone Records, #PRISM Or Just Everything? - http://bit.ly/13SBHV8 why #metadata is such a threat here

Government Secrets and the Need for Whistle-blowers - http://bit.ly/11bzQsB "we can help by protesting this war on whistle-blowers" #nsa

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