Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130602 - http://bit.ly/11lFSty yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Russland verlangt Fluggastdaten aus EU-Ländern - http://bit.ly/13fkrtY steps down a slippery path (v @JanAlbrecht)

Work in progress: #Sanskrit #Wikipedia - http://bit.ly/11lGb7w great idea; note to self: must learn sanskrit (v @sankarshan)

Suppressed By The BBC - http://bit.ly/ZnEExc #BBC decides to emulate its Turkish counterparts... #fail

R.I.P Atul Chitnis : The Man Who Changed the Open Source World - http://bit.ly/11lGOhy I didn't know him, but clearly a loss #india

Study calls for proper reporting of experiments - http://bit.ly/ZnFfPm hardly too much to ask (v @MLBrook)#plos

Anonymous lays out plan for its independent news site, funded by $55,000 from Indiegogo - http://tnw.co/18LqB9P intriguing

Activismo Digital en el #Perú - http://bit.ly/15wkT81 useful update on what's going on there

Foxconn Adopts #Firefox OS - http://mzl.la/18LrnUj not unexpected, but still big news #smartphones #tablets #mozilla

ARM announces processors, antipiracy chips at Computex - http://cnet.co/15wm8UR #ARM joins in the stupid

The Past, Present and Future of Sensor #Journalism - http://bit.ly/13fnfaB nice concept

China blocks encrypted version of Wikipedia ahead of June 4 Tiananmen anniversary - http://tnw.co/11cDQHS Middle Kingdom frightened of bits

Connecticut first state to require #GM labeling - http://bit.ly/14avwOe will the floodgates open now? #US

Hipsters - http://bit.ly/11lIwj1 nice #xkcd

Lions bred to be shot in South Africa's 'canned hunting' industry - video - http://bit.ly/11lK9Nm these pathetic "people" are just sick

LobbyPlag meldet sich zurück - http://bit.ly/10LjFFz yay #EU #lobbying

Seven rhinos killed by #poachers in #Kenya's bloodiest week - http://bit.ly/14nMHs8 sickening: we must all do more

Roundup of #occupygezi - http://bit.ly/19BH1k0 #erdogan has really blown this big time

Investor privileges in EU-US trade deal threaten public interest & democracy - http://bit.ly/11QBuo9 main threat of #TAFTA/#TTIP: fight it

Bradley Manning’s case is about more than freedom of speech - http://bit.ly/1aVift5 good analysis

NHS waiting times getting longer due to cuts, health chiefs warn - http://bit.ly/11gy88U gosh, look: more evidence #NHS is being destroyed

Lobbying – a legitimate exercise? - http://bit.ly/11yYHoE this completely ignores the asymmetries of #lobbying (v @ALTEREU)

Sky Broadband Starts Blocking Pirate Bay Proxies - http://bit.ly/10LyO9M waste of time and effort #UK

Introducing the OKF French-speaking community! - http://bit.ly/ZHdvaT nice move #fr

Software Livre em xeque no Paraná - http://bit.ly/12puY9x #microsoft strikes back #brazil

Leaked mandate for EU-US trade deal opens floodgate to lawsuits by corporations - http://bit.ly/13zGz13 this must be removed #TAFTA/#TTIP

The Status of Fisheries in #China: How deep will we have to dive to find the truth? - http://bit.ly/10LEtg5 important question (v @BoraZ)

EU Positions on investor-to-state dispute settlement - http://bit.ly/11zbpE3 more people waking up to the danger #TAFTA/#TTIP

“Irish SOPA” To Receive First Test in Pirate Bay Blocking Case - http://bit.ly/18MoD9g important case #ie

"fin du moratoire sur les OGM, la libéralisation des services publics, menace sur les libertés numériques" - http://bit.ly/11drDTp #TAFTA

SCOTUS: Police can take DNA sample without warrant - http://bit.ly/14bldt6 not "identifying", "defining" (v @alexanderhanff @cypherpunks)

UN report: The link between State #surveillance and #freedom of expression - http://bit.ly/15yzXSx good to see

Once Again, Convenience Trumps Free, As Few People Pirate Arrested Development - http://bit.ly/13gvKSL such a key point

El Acuerdo de Asociación Transpacífico en la política comercial chilena - http://bit.ly/11mGWNG detailed review of #TPP #chile

France Ready To Shut Down #Hadopi As It's 'Incompatible' With Digital Economy - http://bit.ly/17jeC34 "a colossal failure"

U.K. innovators use technology to make the world better, faster - http://bit.ly/ZoC4a5 #google doles out the dosh for good causes

Civilizations Beyond Earth: A Different Angle - http://bit.ly/14bNwHV fascinating ruminations

Taiwanese Users Thwart Government Plans to Introduce Internet Blacklist Law - http://bit.ly/17TlIfE yay, well done people #tw #copyright

This American Life Followup On Patents Reveals Intellectual Ventures Is Even Slimier Than Previously Believed - http://bit.ly/1aXjHuS wow

Documents: #Exxon Mobil Lied & Downplayed Contamination from Pipeline Rupture - http://bit.ly/11dYirT well, there's a surprise #tarsands

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