A Biotech Lab In Every Garage, Or In
Every Library? - http://bit.ly/soWB9T
the next revolution? #syntheticbiology
Google announces 3.7m #Android
activations over the Christmas weekend - http://tnw.co/sjAZEd
Open Web FTW - http://bit.ly/rThuP7
Matt Mullenweg on why we need it #openweb
Court Order Blocks BitTorrent,
Megaupload and More - http://bit.ly/v0nsx9
#india behaving
badly #censorship
Radical openness in educational
materials: The next step in Washington - http://bit.ly/vcaGZL
surprisingly clueful ideas here #oer
The Consequences Of Open - http://onforb.es/sAsSs7
moral: openness works
China’s Parallel Online Universe -
http://bit.ly/t4HPe4 good intro to
massively efficient #censorship
Jamaica's #patois
Bible: The word of God in creole - http://bbc.in/vHb2t1
wonderful stuff (v languagehat.com)
Ignored Request To Keep Subpoena Under Wraps - http://rww.to/vGpgvx
on the side of the angels once more
Content industry supports "Stop
Airline Piracy Act" (SAPA) - http://bit.ly/tNm8oM
not a misprint; nicely done... #sopa
Путин переведет
правительство на #Linux
- http://bit.ly/rtDae1 big:
russian government moving to #freesw;
also creating #opendata
Japanese Supreme Court Says Developer
Of File Sharing s/w Not Guilty Of Infringement Done By Users -
http://bit.ly/rIyPEJ ridiculous
Archos #DECT-Enabled
35 Phone is a Smart Home Phone That Runs Android -
http://bit.ly/tnxG2g #android
getting everywhere
EU To Focus On Digital Content Policy
In 2012 - http://bit.ly/sNkSAs NB:
including #IPRED
2 #surveillance
cartels build own national radio system - http://yhoo.it/vyvSXC
wow, that's what I call #resilience
Interview with Jim Zemlin, Linux
Foundation - http://bit.ly/shFEnM
where he came from, where he's going... #linux
Five things we learned about
in 2011 - http://oreil.ly/vEdbSe
summary: old-style publishers are doomed
Church of the Nativity Clergy Brawl
2011 Goes Well - http://gaw.kr/rDp5FN
thank goodness there are some things you can depend upon
The Great Digitization Or The Great
Betrayal? - http://bit.ly/rO9Om4
I'm looking at you, #BritishLibrary
Expansion Of Patentability In The US:
Google Acquired A Patent On Doodles - http://bit.ly/tX0ZkQ
oh, come on (v @patentlyo @ArnaudAudouin)
Never Mind That SOPA Thing, Look at Danica Patrick -
http://dthin.gs/tpmVFe these
people really have a deathwish
Painfully excluded from WP7′s
roadmap: #Nokia
- http://tnw.co/u6HBlZ huh?
Reddit Users to Target Supporters of
#SOPA in Congress
After Successful Boycott of GoDaddy - http://onforb.es/viF8fp
could be fun
Copyright Tourism: Korean Companies Sue
Guy From Australia For #Copyright
Infringement... In California - http://bit.ly/ruP1gA
bad precedent
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