Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130519 - http://bit.ly/19TyZjR yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Privatised service 'puts patients at risk' with lack of out-of-hours GPs -http://ind.pn/16Ja1aa #NHS #privatisation harm evident

Hatching Europe's Unified Patent Court: who will pay for the chickens and eggs? -http://bit.ly/13Fcq2s lots of delay likely

Is Lagos Home to an African Tech Movement? - http://on.mash.to/11QJd70 nicely-written piece #africa

Will working families be hurt by a #TPP agreement? - http://bit.ly/10fCpga you bet, especially as #pharmac is dismantled #NZ

NZ-born Fair Deal Coalition Gets Global Makeover - http://bit.ly/14HZx6J good news #tpp

Police retain #DNA from thousands of children - http://bit.ly/12G1ctn gross abuse and waste of resources; destroy all samples

former #Monsanto employee appointed “Associate Editor for biotechnology" on food journal - http://bit.ly/14Iq97F (v @kaatje36)

#EU Commission Sued For Refusing To Reveal Trade Agreement Documents They Shared With #Lobbyists - http://bit.ly/161IIZf hardly fair

Why We Need #OpenSource: Three Cautionary Tales - http://bit.ly/16EpSYa and in unexpected places: #economics#science#government

#Google#Microsoft and #Yahoo are secret backers behind European Privacy Association - http://bit.ly/13BGyIx shabby (v @olivierhoedeman)

Bracing for another delay - open innovation at WHO? - http://bit.ly/13BHbBY"medicines are created as global public goods accessible 2 all"

In defence of digital freedom - http://bit.ly/16JPke9 sensible stuff from @MarietjeD66: enough with the cyber-FUD (v @sinanulgen1)

Sailfish OS phone “Jolla” debuts, available for preorders - http://ars.to/YUEqNIlooks nice, but a crowded market...

Book your tickets for ORGCon2013! - http://bit.ly/108Okw8 while you still can... Saturday 8 June #london

Colombian Government Presents Again Bill 1520 Without Citizen Participation -http://bit.ly/18Z6dAT openness now

#Russia withdraws from #OpenGovernment Partnership. Too much transparency? -http://bit.ly/YUWdV2 regrettable

Open Knowledge may yet come to medicine – let’s help make it happen -http://bit.ly/14oTkgg good post, important topic; big EU vote soon

The #Arduino #Robot is the first official Arduino on wheels - http://bit.ly/13Cg1L7arduino goes from strength to strength

Optical illusion: train moves both ways - http://bit.ly/10h5tUp those wonderful tube trains... #london

Day 1 of Launch Week: Join the Stop the #TPP Campaign - http://bit.ly/10It4ZHspread the word; keep up the pressure; kill the beast

Viruses in the gut protect from infection - http://bit.ly/13CrkCZ amazing stuff we didn't know we didn't know 

Officially Entering “And Then They Fight” Phase of #OpenAccess -http://bit.ly/10fEAgl spot-on analysis:  "we’re gonna get hit hard"

TRIPS Exemption Opposed By Obama, Threatening Cost Spike For Drugs - http://huff.to/17VgBdY heart of stone (v @Sean_Fiil_Flynn)#LDC

#TPP may be bad for consumers - http://bit.ly/117mNXi guaranteed: investor-state arbitration overrides national health, food safety laws

Deciphering licensing in Project Open Data - http://bit.ly/11SCwBl important stuff 

Trans-Pacific Partnership deal unlikely this year - http://bit.ly/13Gijwg great: more time to make people aware of its dangers #TPP

Journalists need to tool up - http://bit.ly/YVebH1 take note, people, while you still can...

#TPP: IP Chapter Shows No Sign of Resolution, End of Negotiation in 2013 Highly Unlikely - http://bit.ly/11SHNZz (v @kim_weatherall)

Flickr Announces One Free Terabyte Of Storage Space Per User, Officially Beating Everyone - http://tcrn.ch/163hZve a milestone #storage

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