High Court Rules Anti-Counterfeiting Law Is Unconstitutional Because
It Threatens Access To #Generic
Drugs - http://bit.ly/IRbR9y
Summit Meeting of experts calls upon UK
Government to deliver on #OpenStandards
- http://bit.ly/Itl5Lq gathering
of the clans
In Guatemala, pirate Mayan radio
connects marginalized indigenous communities - http://bit.ly/I4FlPI
inspiring tale of brave people
is bad for Free Software - http://bit.ly/I4FG5d
from 2010, but still true today
the scholarly literature: towards a set of universal Principles;
Update and strategy - http://bit.ly/IaixEk
exciting times
Sagt dem EU-Parlament Eure Meinung zu
http://bit.ly/IGvQIn facebook chat
Open source medicine puts health above
profits - http://bit.ly/Iajj44
some interesting projects based on #openness
What Your Klout Score Really Means -
http://bit.ly/Ip7l3E worrying
vision of a klout-based world
Liberals and Democrats reject #ACTA
- http://bit.ly/IctBOY press
release (v @MarietjeD66) pity #EPP
wasn't as concerned about flaws
'May Interfere With Fundamental Freedoms' -- EU Data Protection
Supervisor - http://bit.ly/I9y0Rm
also dreadful for #privacy
Supports #OpenStandards
- http://bit.ly/IcBC6E &
always has - hugely important that I'd overlooked
Swoboda condemns EPP delaying tactics
with #ACTA -
http://bit.ly/Jz5nQr looks like
#EPP are getting
silly: EU voters take note
Lobby Hires Pro-#ACTA Demonstators - http://bit.ly/IIWPmI
desperate, or what? (v @publicknowledge @gigibson)
Support for #ODF
from the Hungarian government - http://bit.ly/JGelJN
UK gov take note...
Olympic photo ban 'unenforceable' - http://bbc.in/J9HuZU
shouldn't be there, then... (v @ruskin147)
Lost in translation: Anti-#TPP campaign
befuddles Washington - http://bit.ly/I5FYsi
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