- Whose rights does it protect? Join us for an open debate - Live
from Brussels - streaming now - don't miss
NGOs give EU commission a beating over
anti-counterfeit pact - http://bit.ly/I8pPBo
good summary of yesterday's #ACTA
The State of Play in the US - http://bit.ly/HyPxjH
good summary (v @birgittaj)
Code Not Physical Property, Court Rules
in Goldman Sachs Espionage Case - http://bit.ly/HyPJiS
interesting judgment
"ACTA seriously threatens
fundamental rights in the EU and other countries" - Greek MEP
Dimitrious Droutsas at #ACTA
meeting now – kudos
don't forget: we can make comments on
#ACTA via input
on this page – http://bit.ly/HCohGn
Effects on the IP Law of Canada and Mexico - http://bit.ly/I8GZyw
good detailed analysis
Tony #Blair
channels Ronald Reagan, "doesn't remember" sending
dissidents to Libya for torture - http://bit.ly/IJINlE
how strange...
Kulturstreit: Piraten wollen runden
Tisch zum Urheberrecht - http://bit.ly/IwvEdT
good idea #copyright
As #Germany
Becomes Europe's East Texas, Microsoft Moves Its Distribution Center
- http://bit.ly/IxjkN5 rather
telling #patents
lots of good comments on #ACTA
and Internet - http://bit.ly/HCohGn
please add yours to get important points across
Sergei Stanishev, PSE president: "ACTA
is definitely not the right instrument to fight the issue of piracy"
Brussels meeting
Sergei Stanishev, PSE president: "v
disappointed by approach of European Commission - part of secretive
way of negotiating #ACTA" Brussels
Sergei Stanishev, PSE president:
freedom of communication is "above any price" #ACTA
Sergei Stanishev, PSE president: "I'm
callling for no to ACTA"
David Martin, ACTA rapporteur: "haven't
yet found a government that doesn't say it won't change our domestic
David Martin, ACTA rapporteur: "I
think it will force Internet Service Providers to act as a police
force; not for me acceptable"
Why Twitter Should Be the New Wikipedia
- http://onforb.es/HAsMjC
intriguing, if slightly bonkers, idea (v @robinwauters)
Brasil ya tiene su Sinde y su SGAE -
http://mun.do/IiFBf4 what on earth
is going on in #Brazil?
US attacks computer patents -
http://bit.ly/HxomFu or, rather,
the lack of them in #newzealand
#swpats #tpp
Point of No-Return for #OpenAccess
- http://bit.ly/Hu8Trc interesting
US Govt. Objects To #Megaupload
Hiring Top Law Firm - http://bit.ly/HzgtQo
US still trying to deny it a fair trial using any means
Is vendor lock-in costing Helsinki 3.4
million Euros per year? - http://bit.ly/IGWL4U
no methodology = baseless FUD
[correct URL] Nest taps Apple’s
former patent chief to fight Honeywell lawsuit - http://bit.ly/I9QkX5
more patent insanity
Good News for Rare Amur Leopards and
Tigers in Russia - http://bit.ly/HzHyaS
kudos to #russia
for setting up new park; hope it helps
Historic Archive Of Websites From The
January 18th SOPA Blackout - http://bit.ly/HETjcs
great this historic moment has been captured
Are #openstandards
a closed barrier? - http://bit.ly/IppuQ1
if you disagree, please respond to this consultation soon:
plans a digital storage tax that could cost €21 per terabyte -
http://tnw.co/ILf7EY keen to avoid
becoming a digital nation
Meet #9GAG,
the Community Comedy Site That’s Growing Like Crazy -
http://dthin.gs/I6edC0 never
heard of it; must be getting old
Is the G8 already working on a new
ACTA? - http://bit.ly/HDLlCP now
that #ACTA seems
to be dying, is their next attempt?
ACBF, an open/free digital comics
format - http://bit.ly/IyCRwt cool
Scrambling for Safety 2012 -
http://bit.ly/IYJog5 "stakeholders
interested in surveillance policy for an open exchange of views"
#uk #CCDP
WordPress completely dominates top 100
#blogs with 49%
relative majority - http://tnw.co/HDOVez
another sector where #opensource
revival - MEP Gallo proposes meaningless compromise -
http://bit.ly/Huyksq #gallo
completely out of touch with EU's mood
As Renco's lobbying drive fades, so
does congressional support in its dispute with #Peru
- http://bit.ly/HAegIZ well, well
(v @PCGTW)
EU Rapporteur Deals Major Blow To
#ACTA: Recommends
Rejection By European Parliament - http://bit.ly/HO2mcs
what will #EPP do
Will the #Pirates
democratise Europe? - http://bit.ly/HAoYiS
thought-provoking analysis (v @TeraEuro)
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