Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Proudhon: if IP is property, is it theft? - http://bit.ly/vd3oIZ go on, have a guess #copyright #patents

#anonymous says that it is not taking on los Zetas - http://bit.ly/uheTgi too good a story to be true (v @SinkDeep)

After Newzbin2 Win, MPA Takes Down Another Usenet Service - http://bit.ly/thxv3L this will get worse before it gets better

The unavoidable truths about GovIT – by Cabinet Office official - http://bit.ly/tMb9HA at last it is being said... #uk

Back the Robin Hood Tax - http://bit.ly/tB1zty epetition from 38 degrees #finance #tax

Food companies petitioned to ban new #Monsanto #GMO corn - http://reut.rs/vjuFTQ in the #us....

Will LBT be blocked? - http://bit.ly/usgeMs raises important points about Newzbin ruling #censorship

A wifi pocket disk - http://bit.ly/s6suYp why #eparasite is easy to circumvent #copyright

Macropathy vs. The Swarm - http://bit.ly/u6zYL9 an interesting meditation on good, evil, law and power

#Android Winning In China, Market Is “Going Through A Chaotic Phase” - http://tcrn.ch/txNINN “#Nokia is dying much faster than we expected”

The current and future state of #CyanogenMod Nightlies - http://bit.ly/vRt3sd update on important project #android

GCHQ chief reports 'disturbing' cyber attacks on UK - http://bbc.in/uDdUBE another #bbc #fail: no mention that Zeus is only #windows malware

OccupyWiki: clearinghouse for UK Occupy sites - http://bit.ly/tJ8H1j interesting use of tech here

Plurilateral Trade Agreements Lack Protections for Users, Intermediaries - http://bit.ly/w03R8l like #acta and #tpp

Scaling the Open Data Ecosystem - http://bit.ly/tTw3Sa sounds like some exciting stuff is coming #opendata #okf

Camille Saint-Saƫns: Complete Works with Opus Number & A Little More - http://bit.ly/v7e6KB not just the Carnival... #spotify

Why Creative Commons Licenses Help Rather Than Hinder Struggling Artists - http://bit.ly/vgo7xe obvious, really #cc #copyright

#Spain Worries about a change of heart in open source regions - http://bit.ly/suapBH you win some, you lose some

Mexico: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt over Anonymous' #OpCartel - http://bit.ly/rJJbid details what really happened

Go Daddy Supports E-PARASITE Even Though Own Site Is Dedicated To Theft Of Property Under Terms Of The Bill – http://bit.ly/tVJ084

US pulls #Unesco funding after #Palestine is granted full membership - http://bit.ly/soG6gb oh, lovely mature response there...

How #Android swallowed the UK #smartphone market in 18 months - http://bit.ly/v10Qrq the graph says it all

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