50 millions pour #Sarkozy:
l'ancien premier ministre libyen confirme - http://bit.ly/JZ7muO
whoops (v @gchampeau)#france
EU Court Of Justice Says Software
Functionality Is Not Subject To #Copyright
- http://bit.ly/JVnkZs hugely
important ruling #ecj
Guy Fawkes Mask-ology -
http://bit.ly/JED8yt useful
history (v @netzpolitik)
Let's create a bottom-up Europe -
http://bit.ly/JPjKfN nice idea,
but fails to mention key #open
collaboration examples (v @DaHammerstein)
The conflict between video on the web
and #openstandards
- http://bit.ly/KdFrec disaster
New report finds elements of cultural
genocide in #Tibet
- http://bit.ly/ILxJRS tragic
stuff; and the world looks on
MAKE’s Exclusive Interview with
Andrew (bunnie) Huang - http://bit.ly/Iww3jB
fascinating, but too weak on #patents
(v @gnat)
Do We Really Want Intellectual Ventures
And Disney 'Governing' The Internet? - http://bit.ly/KdLmQE
answers on a postcard
Towards a manifesto on Open Mining of
scholarship - http://bit.ly/KdOfRA
"open mining" - me like
Genetically modified crops' results
raise concern - http://bit.ly/IFUI7I
to put it mildly #gm
hosting free #London
events throughout May - http://bit.ly/IY7476
be there, or...be somewhere else
List of #Africa
FOSS Communities / Liste des Communautés Africaines du Logiciels
Libres - http://bit.ly/KUhIyP
impressive #freesw
Musician Dan Bull reaches #9 on UK
indie charts using #CC0
- http://bit.ly/KsfG3P bravo
Chronicle of a Block Foretold: UK ISPs
ordered to block Pirate Bay - http://bit.ly/J1aVSp
good analysis of why this is pointless
Pirate Bay Enjoys 12 Million Traffic
Boost, Shares Unblocking Tips - http://bit.ly/ILE9AI
gosh, what a surprise
Software industry reclaims
debate - http://bit.ly/IHBr4h
excellent, detailed report of latest roundtable discussion #uk
USTR 2012 Special 301 Report Ignores Legal Criticism -
http://bit.ly/JglK0z now that's an
important point (v @StopActaNow)
Accommodating Telecoms -
http://bit.ly/IwHaZH crucial point
in #openstandards
Conflating copyright infringement with
child porn is a dirty, dangerous game - http://bit.ly/ICRKgr
even more pertinent (v @OpenRightsGroup)
Re-Inventing Public #Libraries
For The Digital Age - http://bit.ly/IwT8CF
not your parents' bibliotheque
raises UK prices by a third and can’t rule out future hikes -
http://bit.ly/IYo11g #opensource
looking better all the time
Bay contractor on shortlist to run UK police services -
http://bit.ly/JPFfNy repugnant (v
British WWII propaganda movies to view
and download - http://bit.ly/K42OUO
wonderful stuff #cc
AHRC announces new Centre for
#Copyright -
http://bit.ly/JtxIC1 I look
forward to reading some independent research here (v @technollama)
Judge: An IP-Address Doesn’t Identify
a Person (or BitTorrent Pirate) - http://bit.ly/K2YrZg
potentially far-reaching (v @kaatje36)
New draft EP Development committee
opinion recommends yes to #ACTA
- http://bit.ly/IoWVhA what a
cynical betrayal (v @Vrijschrift)
NY Times Notices That The Pirate Party
May Be Changing Politics - http://bit.ly/JW5vtl
people are sitting up & taking note
Comment TF1 et France TV ont ostracisé
internet pour le débat présidentiel - http://bit.ly/IIPF33
the dinosaurs are frightened
Can Someone Explain When The Pirate Bay
Was Actually Put On Trial In The UK? - http://bit.ly/J2IxiK
good question
NC Pastor Who Told Congregants to Punch
Their Effeminate Children Claims It's What Jesus Would Have Said -
http://gaw.kr/IGFUWk uh-huh
Barnes & Noble Out-Innovates
Microsoft: How Could This Happen? - http://onforb.es/IJ0CSe
“internecine warfare”
Öffentlichkeit im Wandel – Medien,
Internet, Journalismus - http://bit.ly/Kxes8b
looks interesting; free #ebook
Now Europe wants you to prove how old
you are online - http://bit.ly/IuyUuw
bonkers & bad #surveillance
Barnes & Noble Pulls Linux Format
Magazine Over Feature On 'Hacking' - http://bit.ly/IYQy6P
Chris Dodd Rewrites Hollywood's History
To Pretend That It Came About Because Of IP Laws -
http://bit.ly/IZ809N as if we
can't check
Hulu, Pricing Strategies, and the Costs
of #Piracy -
http://bit.ly/IMEzGY great
analysis: don't forget the externalities (v @mathewi)
1 subscriber per day is chosen at
random to write an essay for mailing list with 13 thousand
subscribers - http://bit.ly/KhlROe
Online Communities Bust #Kickstarter
Scam - http://bit.ly/Khpq7f
excellent precedent
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