Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 131123 - http://bit.ly/1iGn684 yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

#Australia should resist US bullying at #TPP trade talks - http://bit.ly/19VizqB as should all the other TPP nations

Cromwell’s Code Breaker. - http://bit.ly/1hcNebB fascinating tale of forgotten mathematician (v @Stephen_Curry)

Black hole in BIS budget threatens students and scientists - http://bit.ly/IonRnR "Willetts’ plan has come back to bite him, hard" #UK

Wind in the Willows river 'risks running dry' if new #water bill is passed - http://bit.ly/1fC5vP5 further privatisation of the #commons

CC to European Commission: No restrictions on PSI re-use - http://bit.ly/192jcPx too right CC0

Responding to the European Commission consultation on PSI: Minimizing restrictions maximizes re-use - http://bit.ly/17TByrc

Manchu Ulabun: A Hot Research Topic in China - http://bit.ly/19VlvDK good to see #manchu getting some respect it deserves

Hierarchy of mechanisms for limiting #copyright & copyright-like barriers to use of Public Sector Information - http://bit.ly/1jAn7Z5 #psi

 Iron age hill fort threatened by plans to build 200 luxury homes - http://bit.ly/1jAo0Ri money-grubbing tory philistinism strikes again

The stealth tax that says to hell with North Sea cod stocks - http://bit.ly/IgmMj3 using public money to fight conservation – outrageous

#TPP: 10-year tariff cut offered; ‘sacred’ items excluded - http://bit.ly/1cLad7T interesting move by #japan

"$15 billion is difference between how much our privacy is worth & cost of services we receive in exchange for it" - http://bit.ly/1c4AG27

#NSA Has A 50,000 Computer Botnet From Secretly Installing Malware Around The Globe - http://bit.ly/1jBfMbH ICYMI #snowden

#Afghanistan considers reintroduction of public stoning for adulterers - http://bit.ly/IoLsoH remind me why UK troops are dying for this?

MT @RLUK_David Taylor & Francis introducing own CC license restricting derivatives, except for text mining>> no: don't proliferate licences

"Canada is top target of NAFTA investor-state litigation" - http://bit.ly/17TZIlb "claims could cost #CA taxpayers > $2.5-billion" #TPP

"Everything is an investment. Almost any adverse regulatory or court decision is tantamount to expropriation" - http://bit.ly/17TZIlb #TPP

Newegg Brings Out Whit Diffie et al. To Debunk Patent Troll's Claim; Troll Attacks Diffie's Credibility - http://bit.ly/19WA6i6 </facepalm>

#TTIP Update VI - http://bit.ly/1hdI9zL why #deregulate #EU for < 1% extra GDP in 2027 even in impossibly-optimistic outcome? #TAFTA

To confront the climate emergency we need to dismantle the WTO and the free trade regime - http://bit.ly/18BVL37 from September; still true

Counter-Surveillance - http://bit.ly/1gc49rV interesting thoughts on what we/IETF should be doing in wake of #snowden

Edward #Snowden a 'hero' for #NSA disclosures, Wikipedia founder says - http://bit.ly/1b0KNQZ & he is absolutely correct

How #NSA Mass Surveillance is Hurting the US Economy - http://bit.ly/1aNUIO1 at least that should get their attention

#Python Displacing #R As The Programming Language For Data Science - http://bit.ly/IpgE73 interesting: are others finding this?

US Gov't Appears To Have Misled The Supreme Court About How The # Spied On Americans - http://bit.ly/1bixUb8 important issue at stake

Keith Alexander Offered To Resign, But White House Said No Because It Didn't Want #Snowden To Win - http://bit.ly/1937N27 </sigh> #nsa

Red October crypto app adopts “two-man rule” used to launch nukes - http://bit.ly/IdwySm clever; useful for activist files too #opensource

Trapped in detail: #Australia, Copyright & the #TPP - http://bit.ly/1he1u3S good analysis: "throw IP chapter out of the free trade talks"

"US could soon learn that investor-state dispute resolution is a double-edged sword" - http://bit.ly/1cmn6p6 oh yes #TPP #TAFTA/#TTIP

Corporate Bully Whose Front Groups, Willful Distortions and Hate-Mongering Has Poisoned U.S. Politics - http://bit.ly/1dwpJcO sad

"US is dictating the terms of an agreement which they cannot guarantee will get through their own Congress" - http://bit.ly/19VizqB #TPP

Seedrs becomes first equity crowdfunding platform to operate across Europe - http://bit.ly/1b0QQ88

USTR Proposes Extra Intellectual Property Protection for #Biologic Drugs in the Trans Pacific Partnership (#TPP) - http://bit.ly/IdR1GY

 Norwegischer Ölkonzern: Statoil will größten schwimmenden Windpark Europas bauen - http://bit.ly/1jCHR2i wise

EU-kommissionens läckta PR-strategi - http://bit.ly/1dwtije #TAFTA/#TTIP

BBC and Mozilla formalize partnership for web skills in the UK - http://mzl.la/1i9ylbz let's hope #mozilla can sort out useless #bbc

ISPs Condemn “Useless” Blocking Proposals From Secret Piracy Talks - http://bit.ly/1el5dIC usual anti-democratic copyright maximalists #ch

"Are you familiar with [public key encryption]?"  "Yes, I am," said Diffie - http://bit.ly/1jCNk96 ha! #newegg (v @BiellaColeman)

US accused of war of attrition in trade talks - http://bit.ly/1euTgRl "negotiation by exhaustion"; pure bullying #TPP

TTIP FAQ -@MarietjeSchaake's indispensable roundup of facts & figures - http://bit.ly/1euUn3u key, fact-based resource for #TAFTA/#TTIP

Spies worry over "doomsday" cache stashed by #Snowden - http://reut.rs/1bQ6TXi sadly, reuters not a credible source 4 this (v @CasparBowden)

FDA Orders #23andMe Off The Market; Apparently Concerned That People Are Too Stupid To Understand Their Own #DNA - http://bit.ly/IdQ54X

#TPP rules may block Malaysian alcohol control measures - http://bit.ly/1b18PeL must remain area for national policy decisions

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