Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 120902 - http://bit.ly/N822d2 yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

IBM and MS deciding #NZ legislation - http://bit.ly/QeUc0Q sordid details of how they derailed legislation banning #swpats (v David Boddie)

Here’s how #Samsung flew bloggers halfway around the world, then threatened to leave them there - http://tnw.co/PWovdn outrageous, if true

The Next Step in Apple's Thermonuclear War Against Android -http://bit.ly/Og3yae more pathetic bullying from #apple

E-commerce directive review - what is a clean Internet? - http://bit.ly/OPHS7Eimportant: #ACTA by the backdoor - pl. respond #EU

JD meets... PIERRE BOULEZ - http://bit.ly/RAAbmx amazing bloke #music

#EU Wants to Sneak in a Mini-#ACTA by the Backdoor - http://bit.ly/QW6OMythis looks bad - pl. help fight by submitting response

European Commission Consults on Notice and Takedown - http://bit.ly/OQiE9amore thoughts on the problems of this approach (v @coadec)

A fair & free market - or the copyright monopoly? - http://bit.ly/PUymfD anyone for free markets should be against #copyright & #patents

Chrome poised to overtake IE as most popular browser in the UK; Safari rising worldwide - http://tnw.co/SdnKQb #microsoft who?

Datalove USB drives to reform #EU #copyright - http://bit.ly/NHANYu lovely idea, looking for some crowdfunding

mis-spelling "HTML" is a mistake anyone could make - http://amzn.to/PX1Sp9on a book cover? (v @nitot @CamilleRoux @HTeuMeuLeu @kaelig) 

General mobilisation against the return of software patents in Europe -http://bit.ly/Ta8ToL time to contact #JURI again... #swpats

EU-Konsultation: “Das Internet säubern und öffnen” - http://bit.ly/Un5Sjb time is running short, pl. make a submission

Learning from #Diaspora
 - http://bit.ly/OIeazw what lessons can the #freeswworld learn from the ups and downs of this crowdfunded project?

UK tells Ecuador Assange can't be extradited if he faces death penalty -http://bit.ly/NI90ab that's good, but what about life imprisonment?

Data on Chinese patent applications and grants suggests growing gap between political rhetoric and current realities - http://bit.ly/NI9Lju

"We are looking for New Zealand-based co-signers for this petition against#swpats" - http://bit.ly/SeETJ5 important, pl. sign & RT #nz

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