Sunday, 6 January 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130104 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition - "can only be enforced by invading real, tangible property"; nice

LulzBot, a "libre hardware" #3Dprinter - the more, the merrier #openhardware

FOSS takes precedence in #Italy - buone notizie...#opensource

$7,000 Damages for Sharing a “For Dummies” Book on BitTorrent - ridiculously disproportionate

The CIA's 'Hollywood Myth' Debunking Doesn't Stand Up To Even The Slightest Scrutiny - nicely done #torture

At the end of 2012, Steam users ditch Windows 7, Vista, and XP for Windows 8, OS X, and Ubuntu - NB #ubuntu here

Why #openness benefits research - interesting work (v @CameronNeylon @openscience)#openscience

2012 in Review: Digital Rights #Activism Around the World - lest we forget #freedom

#Disney Freaks Out Over Patents That May Mean It Can't Keep 3Ding Old Movies - the biter bit #intellectualmonopolies

Motorola Tells Its FRAND Story to the Court in Seattle - reason why #frand must go 

"accounts not updated on the 17th January 23:27 PDT will be assumed to be dormant" why then? spam getting seriously weird...

The #copyright monopoly stands in opposition to freedoms of contract - "contracts aren’t contagious"

Music Biz Wants To Block Pirate Bay….Plus 260 Additional Sites - this is seriously dangerous territory #censorship #ie

A Clear and Present Danger - I don't have words adequate for this post by John McAfee; just read it... (v @Tgeigs)

'Terrorists' favourite bookseller' has conviction quashed - decision 4 free speech (v @Asher_Wolf @CovertHistory)

Profits over your dead body - excellent review/summary of @bengoldacre's excellent "bad pharma" book #opendata

#Wagner's Vision - Bayreuth Heritage on Spotify - deeply odious individual, pretty amazing composer

Web link claim to be raised in Oireachtas - "nothing short of absurd" (v @jayrosen_nyu @MargaretEWard)#copyright

Let’s call it failure - another razor-sharp piece of economic analysis from John Lanchester (v @johnkeithhart @umairh)

After Years in Solitary, an Austere Life as #Uruguay’s President - intriguing stuff (v @auxbuss)

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