Monday, 31 December 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121229 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

The World's Most Active Twitter City? You Won't Guess It - you might actually; a straw in the wind, certainly #id

Carbon Taxes Make Ireland Even Greener - such an obviously sensible approach

National Rifle Association moves to block UN treaty on gun control - exporting obscene love of death worldwide #nra

ITC judge recommends ban on Samsung devices infringing on Apple patents - ITC proves it's out of control again

In Case Anyone Cares, Here Are Leaked Shots Of The BlackBerry X10, RIM’s Upcoming Handset - headline says it all

Free Software Foundation Campaigning To Stop #UEFI SecureBoot - maybe quixotic, certainly worthy

CLS Bank v. Alice - Some Amicus Briefs - even lawyers think patent system is broken

#Apple patents a wind energy storage design - now its patenting stuff for the sake of patenting #bonkers

how the #FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy with banks - if this doesn't scare you, you're not paying attention...

Mo Farah held by US customs on suspicion of being a terrorist - guilty of travelling while ethnic...

Intel reportedly plans to launch its internet TV service in limited number of cities - #linux-based, I presume (v @rUv)

The Copyright Monopoly Is A Legal Featherweight Compared To Property Rights - so let's stop calling it "IP"

Transatlantic Free Trade? - will be #ACTA+#TPP: time to get ready for the next big battle (v @Vrijschrift @Nouriel)

Blowing the whistle – Heldinnen oder Kriminelle? - awful that there's any doubt

China plant milliardenschweren Öl-Deal im Irak - so, America, about that trillion dollars you just wasted there...

29C3: Billig-Handy als GSM-Basisstation - clever#opensource

Why this Silence About The Pirate Bay as a Distributor of Culture? - by Kristina Svartholm, mother of TPB co-founder

India gang-rape victim cremated as UN chief calls for action to protect women - shows "damage done to India's image"

If you get a GEIL / Golden Eye / Ben Dover / BDP file-sharing letter, you need to read this - handy resources #uk

MT @csoghoian Research by @travisgoodspeed on USB antiforensics: potential to seriously disrupt gov forensics - >>wow

2012: The year Irish #newspapers tried to destroy the web - such greed & stupidity (v @Glinner @joeconor)#ie

#Copyright Monopoly Trends And Predictions For 2013 - upbeat piece from @Falkvinge#sopa #acta

…and then you win…Gandhi, platforms and 2013 - "The Year of the #Open Adaptive Platform."

Cyber-crime, terrorism & the big bad wolf - "#cybercrime" will be the big government scam of 2013

Public Resource liberates global building codes, include the Eurocode -- free the law! - @carlmalamud, unsung hero

Proteste nach Mord an 15-Jähriger in der Türkei - not just#india: woman abused & murdered in #Turkey

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