Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121215
- earlier
tweets as a single Web page #MMDD
IP Diplomat Sob Story: It's Hard To
Push The US Agenda When The World Listens To Reason
- awww
Chumby developer building open source
laptop - nice
BitTorrent distances itself from piracy
by claiming connection to Facebook, Twitter code deployment
- hmmm
Kontrollbericht der EU: Bei
Finanzdaten-Übermittlung in die USA sind weder Zugriffe noch
Löschung nachvollziehbar -
Why Offline Privacy Values Must Live On
In The Digital Age - absolutely
Coal to challenge oil's dominance by
2017, says IEA -'re
going backwards: "potentially disastrous consequences"
There Is Never A Need To
Justify #Sharing Culture
And Knowledge - more
of a historical imperative
Pirate Party Shuts Down Pirate Bay
Proxy After Legal Threats - regrettable,
but understandable given the tactics
Smartphones monitor air pollution
- got
to be the future
Samsung Dethrones Nokia as Top
Cellphone Brand in 2012, Beats Apple - how
times change
#Monsanto ad
claiming Roundup safety is misleading - Dutch commission
- getting
EUPL v1.2 to become GPL compatible
- this
is welcome#licensing
Apple, Google & others win as Kodak
sells patents to Intellectual Ventures and RPX Corporation for $525m
- weird
Just How Stupid Is The NYTimes' Threat
Letter To Quartz Over Copyright Infringement?
- stupid
is as stupid does #nyt
USPTO invalidates key Apple patent used
against Samsung - and
another one....
Opinion Polls Show PM Out Of Touch With
Public on #TPP - perhaps
he should take note
Commission and #EFSA agree
need for two-year GMO feeding studies - pressure
having an impact: more needed Moving to
an #OpenSource Platform
- you
mean it doesn't use it now?
First-ever coastwide limits set on
menhaden catch in the Atlantic - great
news - and not just for menhaden...
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