Saturday, 8 December 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121206 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Tablet teachers - tablets in #africa - using #linux, of course (v @NeelieKroesEU)

Erbgut-Analyse: Europäische Sinti und Roma stammen aus Indien - no surprise given the linguistic evidence

March against #Monsanto GMO’s reaches San Jose, decision stalled - #costarica too...

Virginia Woman Is Sued For $750,000 After Writing Scathing Yelp Review - chilling stuff

Google Helps WWF Stop Wildlife Crime - great move; includes #drone surveillance

#TPP is for people – BusinessNZ - yes: very rich people...#NZ

“#TPP a threat to democracy”, delivery at rally tomorrow -, now yesterday: how did it go? #NZ

Empörte Urheber: das Positionspapier der Initiative Urheberrecht - sickening sense of entitlement (v @netzpolitik)

FAO report links high food prices to biofuel demand - time to bin it

Russian human rights report points to EU 'deterioration' - stuff, but also legitimises criticism of #russia...

US Government Agencies Will Soon Be Able To Access Foreign Medical Dossiers Due To Patriot Act - #privacy nightmare

South Korea drops plans to resume whaling - that's a relief; well done #southkorea

#Copyright in the digital economy: a way forward by @NeelieKroesEU- good comments; let's not forget the public in this

Tattooist sues THQ for replicating UFC fighter's ink without permission - </sigh> (v @Alxjll)

NY Times Published Pentagon Papers, But Can't Be Bothered To Send Reporter To Manning Trial - why it's a dinosaur

Unitary Patent – the EU should take more time to get it right [pdf] - OpenForum Europe is rightly concerned #EU #OFE

Biodiversity offsetting will unleash a new spirit of destruction on the land - what a depressingly idiotic idea #uk

Amherst College to launch first #openaccess, digital academic press devoted to the liberal arts - great move

Something really scary is going on in #Germany - some amazingly clueless things in comments (v @robinwauters)#lsr

#Zimbabwe: Mugabe veut que les sociétés étrangères cèdent 100% de leur capital à des Noirs - lovely (v @africatechie)

MT @ericuman Senate has finished 6,000-page report on CIA #torture proves it never happened, right? (v @asteris)#US

Q&A on #WCIT : Ask the European Commission -, detailed summary of what's happened so far #ITU

[RT] The SHOCKING Photos That Violated #Facebook's Policies! - #fb becomes more outrageous by the day

#Ubuntu Spyware: What to Do? - #RMS on fine fulminating form...

#Mozilla Steps Up Outreach to Developers for #Firefox OS - idea

The real threat that Samsung poses to Apple - will #applesuccumb to the curse of #dell? (v @jackschofield)

Fungal Meningitis From Injections: Not Even Close To Over - a fascinating & terrible tale 

NHS efficiency savings: role of prescribing analytics - fab site - and why we need open clinical data (v @bengoldacre)

Italian Public Prosecutor Says File-Sharing Site Is 'Receiving Stolen Goods' - cosa???

NYT editor: #Journalism pre-dates newspapers and will outlast newspapers - true; now draw the logical conclusions

EU's 'Opening up Education' - focused on the use of ICT and open educational resources (#OER) (v @DennisAbbott)

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