Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121211 -  yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Jane Kelsey: Secret #TPP talks breed scepticism -"putting limits around countries’ sovereignty" #NZ

#Wikipedia:VisualEditor - now available

Case pitting corporations against farmers set to impact the future of seed patents - important issues #monsanto

US trade deal could be a lot for Europe to swallow - do you want to be forced to eat chickens cleaned with chlorine?

Commission in court over privileged access for business in #EU#-India free trade talks - #transparency now

Draft ITR text seeks role for ITU in Internet governance - oh look, just like it said it wouldn't #wcit

MEPs unhappy with EFSA assessment of Seralini study - not coming out of this well

Unions ask the tough questions about the #TPP - about time somebody did #NZ

How To Help #Malaria Sufferers Without Using Patents: #CrowdsourcingDiagnosis - clever approach

Two Thirds of NZ Wary Of #TPP That Allows Foreign Investors to Sue - would be more if they understood how bad it is

#OA and the UK Humanities & Social Sciences: Wrong risks and missed opportunities - fascinating stuff

Piraten als böse Stiefkinder - I do with they'd sort themselves out 

#Android overtakes Apple’s iOS as #Australia’s top smartphone platform - and another one

$220k Music Piracy Case Could Be Headed to Supreme Court - that would be good

Prop 37 election fraud? - Take action now - wishful thinking or real?

different articles and topics of the Data Protection Directive for Law Enforcement Purposes proposed by EC - useful

KEI notes on the 15th round of  #TPP negotiations in Auckland, New Zealand - the farce continues

#Samba 4.0.0 Available for Download - hugely important new version #opensource

Why Communications Data Bill cannot proceed - excellent piece by @julianhuppert who has done so much here - kudos #uk

Campaigners raise alarm over #tobacco giants' #lobbying against plain packaging - why Lynton Crosby must go

Chinese manufacturers take the battle to India, Konka to invest $30 million to sell smartphones - be crazy not to

Dotcom case becoming one of the most expensive in New Zealand history - I do hope the US will cough up for this

Europe: “all your medical data belong to us” - hugely important area

BEREC publishes FIVE reports on #netneutrality - weird

#DMCA Copyright Takedowns To Google Increased 10x In Just The Past Six Months - insane

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