Monday, 10 December 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121208 -  yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Majority in Bern council tells Swiss city to switch to #opensource - and another one #ch

Global 1,000 #Robot Makers - fascinating interactive map (v @mbauwens)

#Crowdsourcing Is Booming In Asia - spreading everywhere

The success of smartphones comes at a price - important point about closed, controlled nature of mobile devices

The Rise and Fall of Jeremy Hammond: Enemy of the State - great piece about a terrible betrayal #anonymous

Ingress - great backgrounder by @timbray#android

hyper-disciplinarian charter school where kids maintain near-total silence for 7 years - this is a joke, right?

Student doctors concerned about #TPP’s patient implications - so they should be 

Leaked documents show that British ministers were prohibited from meeting Dalai Lama - cameron is such a wimp

ghéjek, violin, khushtar - don't miss the insane musical climax here #Uyghur

700 mountains to be flattened for proposed new city in the desert - deranged #china

#OpenAccess Explained! -  nice video explanation of issues (v ‏@auxbuss)

Plans for NHS database of patients' #DNA angers privacy campaigners - key question: do the police get access? #uk

The #fracking dream which is putting Britain's future at risk - "Where's the evidence?"

The Lord of the #UnitaryPatents: a preview on European Parliament plenary vote - good attempt at explaining utter mess

Beacons of freedom: The changing face of #Anonymous - summary to hand out to aunts & uncles

#Turkey turns to human rights law to reclaim British Museum sculptures - could have huge implications

Society Reaps Enormous Benefits from Software Patents, BSA Argues in Amicus Filing - no, the monopolists do #swpats

Congressman calls for ban on 3D printed guns - good luck with that... #3dprinting

Facebook, Google, Zynga Ask Courts To Reject Patents On Abstract Ideas That Plague Tech Innovation - make key point

US drops ‘net regulation bombshell, threatens #WCIT exit -'t they supposed to save that for the last moment?

RT @wikileaks There will be an important announcement next week concerning the future of WikiLeaks. #wlsup #wikileaks #anonymous #assange 

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