Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121210 -  yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Patent trolls now behind most patent infringement lawsuits - this is what #unitarypatent will bring to #EU

Help Avoid the EU #UnitaryPatent Disaster - today is your last chance to contact MEPs

How the #TPP aims to scrap data sovereignty laws - US presumption (v @Asher_Wolf)#AU

The Doha deadlock: intellectual property and climate change - why monopolies will kill millions of people (v @DrRimmer)

UK #SnoopersCharter Report Summary - I'll be writing about this later today #surveillance

Parliament to unleash barrage of criticism on Snoopers' Charter - more good analysis of this disgraceful proposal

Database of clinical cases launched - hugely important new#opendata initiative; needs to be w/wide (v @CameronNeylon)

[RT] French #Hadopi Scheme Gutted; Other Bad Ideas To Be Introduced Instead - one step forward, two steps back

Historic Ruling Against First Modern Drug Patent In #India - more signs that Big Pharma has a problem

#Snooperscharter is unworkable, Clegg tells May - May replies: "la-la-la, not listening..." #uk

EU-weite Patente werden einfacher und günstiger - naive piece from @DerSPIEGEL#unitary patent

US Embassy “extremely happy” with policing of #TPP protest – tape - I bet they are

MT @kgerloff MEP Karim: We need more patents on everything to compete w/ China, US #swpat >>show us the evidence, then

Still Time to Avert the EU #UnitaryPatent Disaster - really your last chance #patenttrolls 

Mitmachen: EU-Fluggastdatenspeicherung PNR verhindern - attacks on privacy

How #London’s Silicon Roundabout really got started - background

MEPs abdicate control over intellectual property to non-EU institution - this is so foolish #unitarypatent

#Mozilla Helped To Stop #SOPA In January, Now It's Worried About #WCIT - not a good sign

European Parliament endorses first ever Digital Freedom Strategy [pdf] - pity about the #unitarypatent, though...

Europäisches Parlament verlangt gesetzliche Regelung zum Schutz der Netzneutralität - also good news #netneutrality

#WCIT goes dark: deadlock hits key telecoms conference - goes behind even thicker closed doors... #itu

European Parliament endorses first ever Digital Freedom Strategy - background info, link to report

Want to Tweet in Mayan? This Group Can Help - hugely important way to help preserve world's languages (v @rmack)

Frankreich: Ende des #Hadopi-Warnmodells gegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen - with link to #french government report

Shock And Awe: Apple Legend Guy Kawasaki Has Become A Hardcore#Android Fan - let the flamewars begin

Scientists Propose Central Database for Disclosing Conflicts of Interest - of course, great idea (v @BoraZ)#opendata

European Parliament adopts deeply flawed #unitarypatent, gives up power over innovation policy - dreadful move

#London Mayor Appoints Economic Advisor - to be paid  £127,200 for 29.6 hours a week #shame

Snooper's Charter Down but Not Out - why routine retention of online activity is unnecessary #surveillance

Sea Shepherd buys anti-#whaling ship from #Japan - ha! fabulous

Microsoft inks more Android patent deals, with Germany’s Hoeft & Wessel and EINS - highlights failure of its own phone

RT @glynwintle Please vote on the #SnoopersCharter poll in the middle of the page - please vote and RT. thx

The Canadian File Sharing Lawsuits Begin: Thousands Targeted at TekSavvy - haven't people realised this doesn't work?

Free to FT subscribers, Nexus 7 is a content Trojan Horse - predicted... #publishing #android

Booming #Nigeria To Adopt One Of The West's Dying Ideas: 'You Must Be A Criminal' Copyright Levies - a pity #africa

Mayor Of London Says Internet To Blame For British Press Sins - piffle and tosh #journalism

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