Thursday, 30 August 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 120828 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page

Number-plate spycams riddled with flaws, top cop admits - usual, only law abiding suffer #privacy

Chamber Asks Congress to Revive Crackdown on Online Piracy - smoothing the way for #SOPA 2.0

Is ABC Starting to Understand BitTorrent Demand? - a glimmer of hope?

Craigslist is on board: #OpenStreetMap soars to new heights - #OSM continues to colonise the world

The privacy of our medical records is being sold off - important stuff #privacy #anonymity

arXiv’s Future - great news for hugely important project (v @petersuber)#openaccess #science

Well done Eric Pickles – more open government to engulf councils - good news #ogov

Freedom not Fear: Vernetzungstreffen der digitalen Bürgerrechtsbewegung in Brüssel - good to see

Gesetzentwurf: Bundesregierung beschließt Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger - German cabinet officially clueless

Leistungsschutzrecht ist unnötig und strukturell falsch - und sehr doof....

China is Fastest-Growing Android & iOS Market - why Apple decision doesn't matter: US market won't be most important

The missed opportunity in the closure of torrent tracker UK Nova - good analysis

Is Open Source democratic? - more thoughts on this theme#opensource 

Could Your Company Survive a Net Block? - if it couldn't, maybe you should do this... #censorship #uk

Another #Android Smartphamera! This Time, From Samsung - getting to be a trend

Apple/Samsung dispute not yet made it to #China - & that's the market that matters...

The Foreman's Aha Moment in Apple v. Samsung Was Based on Misunderstanding Prior Art - whoa: he keeps digging...

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