Monday, 6 August 2012


IETF diskutiert Netz-Standards gegen Zensur - that's good, we need them #censorship

Pwdr Model 0.1 - "#opensource powder-based rapid prototyping machine" (v @openp2pdesign)#3dprinters

1993: EC rubber-stamps #Microsoft monopoly - fascinating background info to terrible decisions (v @sjig)

Hard Hitting Video Slams “Political Prostitution” In Movie Piracy Cases - rather well done #odwyer #copyright

Transcribe: An awesome audio-transcription Web app for Chrome - looks useful

The “Occupy” & “Tea Party” Agree to Not Steal Copyrights in a “Post-Greed” or “Pro-IP” Era - delusional (v @Beautyon_)

Yes, I was hacked. Hard. - NB: "got in via Apple tech support and some clever social engineering" (v @technollama)

Corn farmers struggle to cope with rootworm resistance - could possibly have foreseen this? oh, wait... #monsanto

Linex ya no tiene ni web - this looks well fishy (v @sjig)
 #spain #opensource

Shadowrun Comes To Linux, MMO Planned - more good news for #gnu/linux #gamers

Altmetrics – Trying to Fill the Gap - promising idea (v @bengoldacre)#metrics #research

Pakistani wife in disputed marriage gunned down in court by her brother - no comment (v @DavidAllenGreen @CathElliott)

El#sevier replies about hybrid #openacess; I am appalled about their practices - naughty, naughty

Leaked MPAA Memo Reveals TV-Shack Press Strategy - are such greedy, cynical scumbags #odwyer

Jakarta is world’s top #Twitter city; other Asia-Pacific nations make strong showing - gosh, who knew? #id

Thousands of fish die as Midwest streams heat up - no apocalypse to see here, move along please... #climatechange

Desktop Android? Multi-user #Android support is on its way - hmm, interesting

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