Tuesday, 28 August 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 120826 - http://bit.ly/NQFEpQ yesterday's tweets as a single Web page

Mining the astronomical literature - http://oreil.ly/Pir22T just do it (v +William Gunn ) #textmining #openaccess #science

Cryptoparty resources - http://bit.ly/OnwYWm shaping up nicely (v @djon3s @ioerror)#security #privacy #crypto

#TPP sigue ahí: un tratado con pocas razones y muchas amenazas -http://bit.ly/Ol7OEl "#Chile no necesita un acuerdo comercial como este."

key point: "not everyone who bought a #Samsung device was actually open to an #iPhone" - http://bit.ly/QlmGHU #apple

Why The Arctic Sea Ice Death Spiral Matters - http://bit.ly/NQI7k9 yikes, looks bad #climatechange

Legal analysts suggest Apple-Samsung verdict may not be safe -http://cnet.co/RnzPj2 to put it mildly 

Apple v. Samsung Jurors Speak, Skipped Prior Art For "Bogging Us Down" -http://bit.ly/QIzYc4 yeah, who cares about prior art?

Dhingana, ‘#India’s #Spotify’, introduces ads, snags key Facebook exec as an advisor - http://tnw.co/NQJmzV interesting move, big market

South Korea scraps law requiring use of real names online -http://tnw.co/Pg006C sensible

Buch “Generation Facebook”: Crowdfunding für englische #OpenAccessVersion - http://bit.ly/MVbvVd cool 

Frank #Zappa: Chronological Discography - http://bit.ly/PIsdat groovy man, or something... #spotify

#Taliban behead 17 #Afghan partygoers - http://bit.ly/OnCIzE no limits to this savage bigotry

Leading ‘Ethical’ TV Show BitTorrent Tracker Shut Down By FACT -http://bit.ly/PLCEr9 yup, make sure you punish ethical sites that fill gaps

#Apple's Pyrrhic Patent Victory - http://bit.ly/NQZOQC even if the appeal fails,#samsung#android & #opensource can thrive

Intellectual Ventures Still Giving Tours Of The Sizzle To Distract Journalists From The Lack Of Steak - http://bit.ly/QlTfWg IV = failure

Ending Secrecy – Why Global #Transparency Rules Matter - http://bit.ly/NrJHcjcouldn't agree more: this must be a priority #accountability

Berlin fragt millionenfach Handydaten ab - http://bit.ly/Tj1D5N but only in 116 cases did they give anything usable #privacy

Whistleblowers join forces to set up support organisation - http://bit.ly/RS12g6great idea; pity it's needed... #transparency

Whales Intervene In Nuclear Plant's Seismic Testing - http://onforb.es/OmEuxe postponement clearly necessary

Chinese OEM plans sub-$100 Google TV box - http://bit.ly/NxzsgL #china leads the way...

2012 Pioneer Awards Ceremony - http://bit.ly/PndLlh good to see @jerezim rightly recognised for his huge contribution to activism

Ark Encounter - http://bit.ly/MW4ByT I just love these parody sites, especially when they're as well done as this one; so much detail....

The Pirate Bay Launches Free #VPN - http://bit.ly/RSvtD4 well, given the infection, antibodies were bound to be produced

Man Steals Phone from Ebola Patient, Gets Ebola - http://gaw.kr/RSvDdIwhoops

Let’s get rid of CC-NC and CC-ND NOW! It really matters - http://bit.ly/OFfUd9time to grasp the digital nettle #cc 

Diaspora Founders To Move On, Handing Over Decentralized Social Network ‘To Community’ - http://tcrn.ch/OjZwyd not sure this is a good sign

The Pirate Bay Did NOT Launch a Free VPN - http://bit.ly/OFgrvB but somebody did, it seems (v @samrussellnz)

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