Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130217 - http://bit.ly/XjCPNc yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Seed Giants Sue U.S. Farmers Over Genetically Modified Seed Patents In Shocking Numbers: Report - http://huff.to/XfrvVz nasty

John Lennon's lesson for public-domain innovation - http://bit.ly/11Q0uwf it's time to defend & extend the #publicdomain 

Unitary Patent A Threat To Small Business - http://bit.ly/1315VDB depressing how uncritical most media are on this stuff 

#CDB and the need for better technology narratives - http://bit.ly/XmvQoA good points & good letter to MP - worth reading #uk

EU-Parlament vor Ausverkauf unserer Daten - http://bit.ly/Uy1xww we in EU must all write to our MEPs over this - more to come later... #dp

Crowdsourced lobby exposé shows Internet giants have footprints on our data privacy laws - http://bit.ly/Za6oD2 good summary of bad stuff

#Python in Peril - Please Help - http://bit.ly/15pbDmO important: please help defend the Python name in #EU #tradmarks

Transatlantische Freihandelszone: Letztes Mittel gegen Chinas Aufstieg -http://bit.ly/XfOkIC smacks of desperation; never a good reason

Bundestagswahl: Was sollen Kandidatinnen und Parteien zu Freier Software gefragt werden? - http://bit.ly/VZFssx suggestions welcome #de

“We are not like other countries" - http://nyti.ms/XjYGEr seems exceptionalism is rather widespread... (v @Asher_Wolf) 

Transparenzkodex: Pharmabranche will Geldflüsse an Ärzte veröffentlichen -http://bit.ly/15pkWTF that's good; but only voluntary – bad

U.S. agriculture wary as #Monsanto heads to Supreme Court -http://reut.rs/Yi5S2V big ramifiactions (v @howardknopf)#genepatents

Tafta darf kein #Acta werden - http://bit.ly/Yi6nu0 good piece: "Urheberrecht hat darin nichts zu suchen" #IPout #TAFTA #opendrafts

Here's A Use Of #Drones (Nearly) Everyone Will Like - http://bit.ly/12C7EDS I certainly do

Hyperlinking Is Not Copyright Infringement, Scholars Say - http://bit.ly/11QrFHqso say it loud

Monthly report on #copyright reform in #Poland - January, 2013 -http://bit.ly/Xk7hH4 useful; every country should do this (v @PostActa)

EU-US free trade deal will dismantle EU public health protections on GM foods -http://bit.ly/ZaqHjW certainly a threat #IPout of #TAFTA

Social Campaign: The Right to Culture - http://bit.ly/UyzsVT what fun #poland

"no clear relationship between a bilateral investment treaty & increased inflows of foreign direct investment" - http://bit.ly/XXeq3l

Four companies that are changing digital reading in #Africa -http://bit.ly/151okD2 nice moves

Gray's #Dante - http://bit.ly/VZMpcZ "In middle age I wholly lost my way/and found myself within an evil wood/..." #it

All-out Lobbying in the EP to Sell Our Privacy: Act Now! - http://bit.ly/XIOFjegood summary of who's doing what, when #dataprotection

Impact of the Criminal Justice Act 2011 on cybercrime law - http://bit.ly/Ytu98nuseful, detailed review of Irish law

China to hit 246m Android and iOS devices this month, taking it past the US to become world’s largest market - http://tnw.co/XXPJ6P

The EU’s free trade agreements – where are we? - http://bit.ly/XkraxR look at them all; clearly too many... #IPout #TAFTA #opendrafts

Bollywood No Longer Worrying About Piracy As Studios Keep Setting New Records At The Box Office - http://bit.ly/YiSr2M sensible #india

Pirate Bay's 'Lawsuit' Against Anti-Piracy Group About Exposing Double Standards In Enforcement - http://bit.ly/XZ6UVr I misjudged them

Come one, come all, and watch this young performer have his arms dislocated! - http://bit.ly/12ZBRN5 appalling #china

Google Looks To Cut Funds To Illegal Sites - http://bit.ly/WSzc4u #googleshows whose side it is on; appalling move: what's "illegal"?

Licences for Europe -- or a new law-making style? - http://bit.ly/XZ8R4e more evidence of European Commission's bulldozing #copyright

Patent Lawyer: Software Patents "Restrict What Feels Like Our Treasured Personal Freedom" - http://onforb.es/UAd1zK excellent point

Ex-Google China Head With 30 Million Followers Barred From Weibo -http://bloom.bg/VBFWFg this is weird

#Python #Trademark At Risk In Europe: Python Software Foundation Appeals For Help - http://bit.ly/WIsFaS 

EPUB-Editor Sigil mit Live-Preview - http://bit.ly/ZbBURj sounds interesting#opensource

BPI set to block three more BitTorrent sites - http://bit.ly/XJoZ66 all done in a deeply problematic way #uk

Official City of Melbourne IP address used for biased edits to Wikipedia page for Occupy Melbourne - http://bit.ly/XZbinm

Nuclear power: UKministers offer reactor deal until 2050 - http://bit.ly/W6vfFjthis is just insane; these people are clowns 

Investor–State Arbitration to Challenge Host State Compliance with International IP Treaties? - http://bit.ly/ZbDLpd hugely dangerous

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