Thursday, 7 February 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130205 - yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Open Research Conference, Auckland, New Zealand - new area (v @lin_nah)

Full voting list for equal marriage bill - if you want to check how your MP voted... #uk (v @tom_watson @paulwaugh)

Case Law: Cruddas v Adams, Damages of £45,000 for a blog and Twitter #Libel NB... (v @DavidAllenGreen @AdamWagner1)

Kickstarter project says open source can blast Death Star costs - well, obvs

MI5 chief: internet means terrorists could be slipping through net - MI5 has more info about them than ever before

#ACTA rises? - maybe the time is coming to gird our loins for a new fight - against #TAFTA

Rebooting Computer Crime Law Part 1: No Prison Time For Violating Terms of Service  - good discussion of absurdities

Brüssel entscheidet über Eure Daten! - how about if they asked us? #dataprotection

[RT] We Need an Open Database of Clinical Trials - and we won't stop until we get it #opendata #drugs

Hollande demande à l'Europe de payer les artistes mieux que les FAI - sad that Hollande too spouts anti-Net nonsense 

[RT] This is excellent, and amazing. #GSK have just signed up to - more background to great move

#Somali woman is jailed for a year after claiming she was raped - hard to tell what's happened, but doesn't look good

#OpenData in pericolo - this is not good #italy

First Big Pharma Company Announces Support For Clinical Data Transparency Campaign: Who's Next? - really important

WTO, WIPO, WHO Joint Report on Health, IP, and Trade -  not sure if that's good or bad...

Site plagiarizes blog posts, then files DMCA takedown on originals - ah, that wacky #DMCA #fail

Woman in Timbuktu punished for forbidden love - such barbarian thugs (v @t_mcconnell @asteris)#mali

Sample letter to EU Council in favour of #OpenAccess & #opendata in H2020 - important stuff: pl. send email if you can

Sony Rootkit Redux: #Ca Business Groups Lobby For Right To Install Spyware on Your Computer - </facepalm> (v @AdV007)
#NZ, Don't Make Our Mistake on #SoftwarePatents As Such - it's unnecessary, produce no benefits, but lots of pain

You Have 46 Chromosomes. This Pond Creature Has 15,600 - ooh, fascinating or what? (v @phylogenomics)#dna

MEPs back fishing policy reform - kudos to European Parliament; now Commission & fishing ministers must join in

European Court Of Human Rights: No, Copyright Does Not Automatically Trump Freedom Of Expression - important, limit

Menshn closes as founders fall out - gosh, nobody could have predicted that, eh..?

Boy Suspended from School for Trying to Save the World with an Imaginary Grenade - but real killer drones are fine

Harper's Magazine Publisher Shakes Verbal Fist At Google; Romanticizes Own Profession; Quotes Teletubbies - wow

Access to communications data by the intelligence and security Agencies - good post; evil UK gov (v @alexanderhanff)

It's Time for #Transparency Reports to Become the New Normal - sounds reasonable

European Parliament votes for quicker access to #generic drugs - great move #health

Open Richard III DNA evidence for peer review - of course#opendata

Smartphone users in #India : They Prefer Android. 50% do not have data connection - the other market that matters

Pirate Bay Promos Unblocked in Finland, With Music Industry Blessing - some sense at last

EU-Parlament: Erster Ausschuss pfuscht bei Datenschutzreform – weitere Fails verhindern! - feeble

Ägypten: Plünderer buddeln Gräben unter Pyramiden - not again...

Australia’s high court overturns ‘misleading’ search ad ruling, says Google was not responsible - common sense

OpenStreetMap gets a new map editor - opening new horizons... #osm

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