Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 130210 - http://bit.ly/Wd3j4J yesterday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

#EU Data Protection: Proposed Amendments Written by US #Lobbyists -http://bit.ly/155LZ6j word for word; shocking betrayal #dp 

Ésta es la 'Comisión #Sinde' - http://mun.do/XBWyce interesting to see fair number of women's names here (v @juanjo2912)#es

The murky world of #privacy advocacy - http://bit.ly/11BdMfY fascinating & timely look #dataprotection #eu

Lobby groups take CTRL+V of #dataprotection proposal - http://bit.ly/VPgn3oand we can use our tech to discover this scandal #privacy #eu

Ο καθηγητής Σπινέλλης χρησιμοποιεί άδειες Creative Commons! -http://bit.ly/VPyiBI kudos (sic)

Amazon and eBay #lobbyists found to be writing EU data protection law in copy-paste legislation scandal - http://bit.ly/X2itbc bad stuff

good basic FAQ on EU's Data Protection proposals - http://bit.ly/UYarFb useful#privacy

[RT] #EU Data Protection: Proposed Amendments Written by US #Lobbyists-http://bit.ly/155LZ6j word for word; contact MEPs pl. #privacy

CC clarification - UK House of Lords misinformation about CC licence for UK Open Access policy - http://bit.ly/XCdQ8Z needs sorting #oa

Bt cotton losing steam, productivity at 5-yr low - http://bit.ly/12GdMuC well, well, well #gm #monsanto #india

Music Pirates are Cheapskates, Some of Them - http://bit.ly/U5KZMj just like everyone else

One Step Closer to the Tipping Point: O’Reilly Joins the #EPUB 3.0 Ecosystem - http://bit.ly/U5Leqz good news, I think...

Google Says $80M French Publishers’ Fund Won’t Be Replicated Elsewhere In Europe - http://tcrn.ch/12GfUCB yeah, that'll work

Demand for Mandarin overwhelms Zim university - http://bit.ly/XqSD3D the future in a nutshell #politics #economics (v @EthanZ)#china

Lobbyplag.eu: Bürger schaffen Transparenz - http://bit.ly/VPYCfb more on#transparency and why we need it (v @netzpolitik)#eu

Nasce RIOS, la Rete Italiana dell'Open Source professionale -http://bit.ly/12GyB94 better late than never, I suppose #it

Let's help academic publishers in their quest to put themselves out of business! - http://bit.ly/Y4UiIv not really necessary...

Open source pioneers next generation chat and forums - http://bit.ly/VQ5FEBgood to see yet more new projects

ACTA: Jahrestag der Großproteste - http://bit.ly/WUojNJ one year on from#ACTA, we now have #TAFTA to fight...

#Seralini study a valuable contribution to the scientific literature -http://bit.ly/WeHlhA more support

In 2011, #Fracking Was #2 In Causing Greenhouse Gas In US -http://bit.ly/XCLjQx wow, another good reason not to do it

Water rights e-petition first to get 1 million signatures - http://bit.ly/12n1DGc"seeks to halt sales of public water utilities" #commons

Gas company targets protected Manú park in Peruvian Amazon -http://bit.ly/WUrPaM "most biodiverse protected area on the planet" #greed

Tim Cook and Steve Jobs reportedly disagreed on going after Samsung -http://ars.to/Y6KeAy & look who was right... #fiasco

#Bhutan set to plough lone furrow as world's first wholly organic country -http://bit.ly/11BKzlh note to self: must learn #Dzongkha...

EU budget loses billions from marine oil contraband - http://bit.ly/Y539d5shouldn't #greece be onto this? (v @slutrix)

23rd February 2013 International Day for Privacy 2013 - http://bit.ly/12nmQ2Ptoo much bad stuff is happening: time to say "enough"

Copyright Boss: 'It's Great Mechanics Now Need To Know About Copyright' -http://bit.ly/YRWtlp er, no, actually, it's a huge failure

Lobbyists feeding amendments to MEPs – I’m surprised that this is even news (but we need to know) - http://bit.ly/WF6PGS another perspective

Lies, Damn Lies And Statistics: How The BPI Cherry Picks Its Averages To Pretend File Sharers Spend Less - http://bit.ly/YmwmkB

#OpenScience Course Sprint: An Education Hackathon for #OpenData Day -http://bit.ly/X34Ng3 nice

What Ockham really said - http://bit.ly/11BYcAW ha! nicely done; but what about Ockeghem...?

New and Unexpected Innovation on #OpenStreetMap Weekend -http://bit.ly/14OfZm6 augurs well for the future #osm #opendata

#Apple May Not Have A Choice But To Release A Watch - http://bit.ly/14Og7Cfif its fate hangs on this, it's in worse trouble than I thought

RT @jackschofield Best @BillGates answer on @Reddit AMA so far....pic.twitter.com/fIwa6lZA >>kudos to Mr Gates

Following Raspberry Pi, the $89 Odroid U2 continues small, cheap computing movement - http://bit.ly/X37BtM all thanks to #linux

How to train robots to work with people? Let them train people, too -http://bit.ly/14OicOp what could possibly go wrong? #robocop

EU data law proposal uses language—word-for-word—from US, EU corporations - http://ars.to/UZFKzi word spreads around the world... #lobbying

Open Source Giant #VLC Mulls #BitTorrent Streaming Support -http://bit.ly/YSb00y now that would be interesting

Connivences entre lobbys américains et députés européens sur le dos des citoyens - http://bit.ly/UZQjTd merci à framablog...

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