Saturday, 10 November 2012


Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121102 - last friday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Moody's Microblog Daily Digest 121107 - last wednesday's tweets as a single Web page #MMDD

Australian Government Announces That It Is Dropping Mandatory ISP Filtering...But Still Wants Filtering - huh? #au

#BitTorrent Traffic Increases 40% in Half a Year - hardly on its last legs, then...

Firefox to make life harder for HTTPS snoopers - great idea#mozilla

The Document Foundation Announces The First Group Of #LibreOffice Certified Developers - interesting move

The Humble Bundle for Android 4 - another great bundle; once again, #linux users most generous

Ontario’s #OpenData Policy: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and the (Missed?) Opportunity - interesting points

Eight Years of #Firefox - how time flies when you're having fun (v @BrendanEich @ejsf22)#opensource

Gawker's Anti-SLAPP Victory Could Be Good For The Web - But Judge Refuses To Publish The Ruling - bonkers

Udacity makes its video lessons available for download to help reach more students - nice

BBC and Apple - latest - "Today the BBC Trust is considering our complaint about undue product prominence."

Supreme Court Voids Viagra Patent as Insufficient Disclosure Means It Fails the "#Patent Bargain" - wow, pretty big #ca

Google unlikely to be held liable for defamatory 'autocomplete' suggestions in UK, says expert - (v @lilianedwards)

Myth of the Lone Villain - another fascinating analysis

Supreme Court Weighing Genetic #Privacy - hugely important area for the future #dna

Olympus gives in, settles with Intellectual Ventures - not good #trolls

Proteins folded to order - this is very cool

DPI: Der Unterschied zwischen Internet in Diktaturen und Deutschland ist nur eine Konfigurationsdatei - worrying

Texas Supreme Court Reinstates Family Law Judge Who Was Caught on Camera Beating His Disabled Daughter - disgusting

Voters boot three #SOPA-sponsoring Hollywood allies from Congress - that's nice

Patent suits target Google, Intel, hundreds more for encrypting web traffic - ridiculous: this is just obvious maths

The danger of universal gold open access - worrying stuff#openaccess

Scientist Says Used Car Tires Could Prevent Future Hurricanes - great; but why patent the idea? #iv

Which science and for whose safety? Ten years of #EFSA - clearly a disaster that needs fixing urgently #eu

Jury says journalist arrested while videotaping police is not guilty - good result

Marco Civil travado na Câmara dos Deputados - good summary of really bad development (v @Laura_Siri)#br

Exomoons: A Direct Imaging Possibility - what a delightful idea #space

Staff Emails Are Not Owned By Firms, UK Judge Rules -, meet pigeons

the year 2512 - what wil it be like? lovely stuff as ever...

#China won't permit human rights monitors in #Tibet, because hey, come on, nothing bad is going on there, you guys - 

#EU Parliament calls on #Japan to stop whaling or risk harpooning trade talks - wow, I'm rather impressed

#GEMA Gets Bailed Out By #Germany's Parliament; Allowed To Proceed With Venue-Killing Rate Hikes - disgraceful stuff

RT @kyrah404 Thank you, Internet. what can one say?

Apple accused of dragging feet over Samsung court order - seriously annoyed judges

China's economy to overtake US in next four years, says OECD - just a question of time...

3D-Printed Rockets Help Propel NASA’s Space Launch System - it's happening... #3dprinting

Linux Foundation's Jim Zemlin on the New Lock-in - & the other thing #android has done for #linux

#CEFTA, trade agreement among 8 countries in region enters new stage - wow, I'd missed this one #europe

The GPL self-destruct mechanism that is killing Linux - #linux is doing so badly at the moment...

Conservatives’ Reality Problem - nice point about payback time for taking anti-science position

Cisco VP Threatens To Stalk Memo Leaker... Driving More Attention Than Original Memo - #cisco, you are pathetic

Greece Hosts Microsoft's Biggest Hack Day In EU -'t young people there got enough probs without coding windows?

Last Day to Support MediaGoblin! - great cause; hurry hurry hurry #opensource #cc

Swept in by a Hurricane, #ClimateChange Returns to Washington - surprisingly upbeat stuff #us

Derrière les palissades azerbaïdjanaises - "l'Azerbaïdjan a tenté de se faire une virginité à Bakou en organisant #IGF"

UN Wants Multi-Stakeholder Discussions 'Rethinking Copyright' -- Ignores That Only Stakeholder That Matters Is Public -

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